A SpringBoot POC using:
- Reactive Functions
- MongoDB
- Reactive repositories
- QueryDSL
All developers should import and use checkstyle.xml code style to their IDE. For Intellij it can be imported using the CheckStyle-IDEA plugin.
The project is using Git.
After cloning the project navigate to the root directory of the project and execute (if you havent done so):
git config user.name "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"
git config user.email "MY_NAME@example.com"
also PLEASE install commit-msg hook:
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
This will handle the consistency across commit messages.
The git commit standard followed is Conventional Commits
Build using ./gradlew clean build
Docker build using ./gradlew bootBuildImage
For local development start Mongo by using docker-compose up -d reactive-mongo
and then run the
shared idea configuration ReactiveApplication
For running all tests run the shared idea configuration AllTests
After you have Dockerised the reactive-server
you can run in Docker using:
docker-compose up -d reactive-mongo
docker-compose up -d reactive-server
After you have started the reactive-server the Open API documentation can be accessed on
- Explore Kafka streams/KStream
- Spring security
- Global error handling
Reactive is MIT licensed.