Fully client-side Deal With It emoji generator hosted at https://emoji.build/deal-with-it-generator/
- All operations done fully client-side - no backend, no private data leaves your browser.
- Uses MediaPipe Face Detector task to automatically scale and position glasses on the detected faces.
- Extensive customization options for glasses:
- Placement of glasses anywhere on the input image (including slightly going outside it).
- Change the size of glasses.
- Change the color of glasses to any RGBA value (only applies to the Classic style).
- No limit on the number of glasses.
- Flip the glasses vertically or horizontally.
- Customize the direction from which the glasses appear on the image.
- Different types of glasses.
- GIF output options:
- Looping mode.
- Number of frames.
- Frame delay.
- Separate delay setting for last frame.
- Output size.
- Anonymous product analytics using PostHog, requiring explicit opt-in.
- Celebration confetti 🎉
- Easter eggs.
Uses Vite, so the usual dance is enough:
nvm use
npm install
npm run dev
Then visit http://localhost:5173/deal-with-it-generator/ (note the subdirectory).