Elixir module for communicating with Numato 32-channel GPIO module.
The package is available in Hex and it can be installed
by adding numato_gpio
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:numato_gpio, "~> 0.1.0"}
The Numato.Gpio
module implements all the Numato 32-channel GPIO module commands. It's also a GenServer
producer that sends notifications of input GPIO changes.
To start the process, you need to know a virtual COM port name associated with the Numato GPIO device. Assuming it is ttyACM0
on your system, you can run the following:
iex> {:ok, pid} = Numato.Gpio.start_link("ttyACM0")
{:ok, #Reference<...>}
iex> Numato.Gpio.gpio_write(pid, 1, 1)
iex> Numato.Gpio.gpio_read(pid, 2)
To enable notifications, use the gpio_notify_on
iex> Numato.Gpio.gpio_notify_on(pid)
From this point, the module will work as a GenStage
producer, with events in format {gpio, new_state}
The ExDoc documentation can be found at at https://hexdocs.pm/numato_gpio.