I'm a Software Engineer with a focus on JavaScript particularly in React, TypeScript & Node.js. With years of startup experience under my belt including founding my own startup, I'm always excited to discuss opportunities to make a difference in the world through technology.
Thanks for stopping by! Email me if you have any questions about my work or if you'd like to collaborate.
A voice-note focused social media app built in Next.js, using mobile-first design principles. Backend built using Supabase.
MigrainePal is a tracking tool that enables users to log their migraine attacks, receive detailed analytics and insights about them all with the goal of providing the end user with a deeper understanding of their migraine condition.
Here's a demo of MigrainePal to see it in action: YouTube link
A fork of Atomize, a productivity app built in React. Converted the codebase to TypeScript, and refactored the entire state management approach, implementing global context and useReducer, removing 13 useEffects, 21 state variables, and fixing a number of significant bugs that were causing unintended behaviour, particularly with asynchronous state. Applied Vitest test suite to the project codebase.