- 36608ca Deduping
- 2658d10 DiffResults
- 728c224 RoaringBitmap deps
- be8b0b6 add mains to releaser
- c100b6d badges
- 7d1bc53 cache test
- 9ed5c36 codecov
- ecdb8ce dedup file pairs in streamer
- 00959f4 dedup pairs
- 40e1430 dedup-vs-not screenshot
- 54d75e6 deps
- 837bc09 diff test
- b85d0fd docs for flags
- 748e435 field alignment
- 5aafed6 fieldalignment
- 39332d9 fieldalignment
- 01e77fa fieldalignment
- e520385 file map stats, roaring bit map
- c33e72f file streamer test
- 2b961bd fix dedup stats
- 36bf78a get main runner working
- 0c7067f get tests working
- d53d4ce go 19
- abd9d9a go version
- a9495a0 go.szostok.io/version
- f287f7a grafana panel bump
- 506fa1e grafana panel bump
- df10380 grafana updates
- c4f7550 handle result and error chans
- fda223b hook up the logger
- bafd628 http timeouts
- a03bb69 imports
- 02482df lock the bitmap
- b6c2609 lock version
- b331be2 main test
- ee4606d make the api more controlable
- 197f15d move pair pkg
- 39826e6 ordering
- 4bfe297 pass delete log in to verify
- aa4a99f prom works
- 0287ebc publish size of cache to prom, dont persist Kind as its always 2 anyway
- db60394 remove ctx from structs, pass it to func
- d5b18b8 remove errors and logger, close the results chan when done
- 1631c9f remove test files
- 84b6d46 rm only dirs
- c895d1c shuffle pkg and logger
- f2cbe8c size of pair
- 6f937af small sig changes and move logger
- 69276c7 storeFileName
- b158324 version
- 06b63e8 version for releaser
- 3a90c8f || not &&