This utility takes advantage of real-time and/or preloaded LIDAR data. It is the first time I'm messing around which such a device, so I've decided that the first step would be creating my own data visualization software which also offers some features related to saving and reading time series of point clouds and some experimental calculations. LIDAR devices have a quite large potential and this technology can be found in various applications like self-driving vehicles, robotics, terrain mapping etc.
This project uses Slamtec RPLIDAR A3M1 device (described below).
Indoor scanning:
Outdoor, obervating of passing cars:
Outdoor, lots of trees and shrubs around:
This project has been created with the low-cost Slamtec RPLIDAR A3M1 device, and SDK provided by its manufacturers. We haven't tested it, but should be compatible with other related Slamtec models. A3M1 supports two important scanning modes depending on a scanning environment (indoor/outdoor).
Property | A3M1 |
Distance Range | up to 25 m |
Sample Rate | up to 16 kHz |
Scan Rate | 5 Hz - 20 Hz |
Angular Resolution | up to 0.225° |
Communication Interface | TTL UART |
Communication Speed | 256000 bps |
The complete RPLIDAR specification and documentation is available below:
We're still figuring out the automation process, so in most cases, if you want to run the program, you need to compile it yourself.
Currently, some older SFML-enabled Windows binaries and some newer "base" Linux releases are available. Have a look at the GitHub Releases tab.
Install SFML:
make USE_SFML=true USE_RPLIDAR=true
Make sure you have the prerequisities:
- Visual Studio with C++ toolchain.
- SFML 2.5.1 graphical library (32bit only and must match C++ compiler version) -
Move the directory containing RPLIDAR SDK to the path of this repository. Rename it to
. -
Install CP2102 driver which allows communicating via USB and UART:
. -
Open VS solution with SDK:
. -
Go to Solution Explorer window, find
and open Properties window. Switch Configuration to Release, go to C/C++/CodeGeneration and change Runtime Library property to Multi-threaded DLL (/MD). Apply changes and compilerplidar_driver
in Debug and Release mode. This will create two.lib
files which will be used in our final app. You can find them here:rplidar_sdk\sdk\output
. These files will be automatically found by the LV project, so don't move them.Note: If you want to compile the examples derived with the SDK, you should change Runtime Library property back to Multi-threaded (/MT) in Release mode because it might cause linker errors
That's it. SDK is ready and you can close the VS project.
Prepare SFML 2.5.1.:
- Move the directory containing SFML 2.5.1 to the path of this repository and rename it
OR update the paths in sfml-debug.props and sfml-release.props.
- Move the directory containing SFML 2.5.1 to the path of this repository and rename it
- Open the VS solution of lidar-visualizations -
. - Compile in Debug or Release mode (in Debug mode SFML is linked dynamically, so
you have to provide necessary DLL's aside your output executable - you will find them in
; in Release mode SFML is linked statically).
- Open the VS solution of lidar-visualizations -
* lidar.sln
uses several project property files (rplidar.props, sfml-debug.props,
sfml-release.props) which consist of relative include and library paths to RPLIDAR SDK and SFML,
and define macros enabling sections of code that requires the specified dependencies
). For example, if you remove SFML property files from the project,
a compiler won't be looking for SFML and finally it will build the program without the SFML GUI.
You can do the same with RPLIDAR, so you won't be able to receive data from it.
When you have the lidarvis
executable , you are able to start some scanning and visualizing.
The program can be controlled via command line in such a way:
lidar [options]
docker run -v absolute_path_to_datasets:/home lidar -f /home/file.txt
Input (required):
-f --file [filename] Input cloud filename
-fs --file-series [filename] Input cloud series filename
-p --port [portname] Input RPLIDAR port*
-h --help Display help
-o --output-dir [dirname] Output dir
-s --scenario [id] Specify scenario (default: 0)
-g --gui [id] Specity GUI (default: 1)
RPLIDAR options*
-m --rplidar-mode [id] RPLIDAR scanning mode (default: 4)
-r --rpm RPLIDAR revolutions per minute (default: 660, min: 170, max: 1023)
SFML GUI options**
-H --height [val] Window height (defualt: 1280)
-W --width [val] Window width (defualt: 720)
-C --colormap [id] Colormap (0, 1)
-M --ptr-mode [id] Points display mode (0, 1, 2)
-B --bold Larger points
-S --scale [scale] Scale (1mm -> 1px for scale = 1.0)
* RPLIDAR options are unavailable, if they haven't been compiled into the project
** SFML GUI options are unavailable, if they haven't been compiled into the project
(disabled USING_SFML
Scenarios are sets of actions which are executed just after grabbing the cloud data, and just before its visualization by the GUI.
0 Do nothing, just grab a cloud and visualize (default).
1 Save each cloud as a part of cloud series.
2 Save each cloud as a new screenshot (extremely unoptimized).
GUIs are responsible for the visual layer of the application and interacting with user.
0 Terminal GUI - prints data as a list of points on stdout.
1 SFML GUI - default, the most beautiful one from the gallery.
SFML GUI Keyboard shortcuts
T Save cloud to .txt file
S Save screenshot
Arrows Move cloud
Moude scroll Scale cloud
Mouse middle Reset position, autoscale cloud
C Switch colormap
M Switch points display mode
RPLIDAR supports several scanning modes which differs by its application (indoor/outdoor), distance range, and sample rate. More details can be found in the documentation of the product. You should only consider the option 3 and 4, because the first three ones are here due to compatibility reasons and don't produce spectacular results.
0 Standard
1 Express
2 Boost
3 Sensitivity (default)
4 Stability
As mentioned earlier, LV allows you to save and load point cloud data from your local disk instead of grabbing it from the RPLIDAR driver. The format of input and output datasets is very straightforward and can be modified with a basic text editor. We can distinguish two variants of the data - point cloud and point cloud series.
Files contain data of a single point cloud (e.g. a full 360° scan, combined scan). Each
line (except for comments which must start with #
) represents a single point which
consists of an angle value [°] and a distance value [mm]. Both may be a floating
point number, and have to be separated by any kind of white characters.
# A comment
# Angle [°] Distance [mm]
90.0 42.0
180.0 1000
270.0 1920.11
360.0 2002.0
lidar -f datasets/example.txt
Files contain a list of point clouds. This variant can be used to record a series of captured
clouds. The rules are the same as in the previous paragraph, but there are some special lines
starting with !
which separates two point clouds. Each line marked with !
should consist
of the ID number of the following point cloud and number of milliseconds elapsed from
@grabbing the previous one. Clouds should be sorted by their ID number.
# A comment
# ! ID Number Elapsed time [ms]
# Angle [°] Distance [mm]
! 0 0
120 100
240 100
360 100
! 1 500
120 200
240 200
360 200
! 2 500
120 300
240 300
360 300
! 3 500
lidar -fs datasets/example-series.txt
I also encourage you to follow my friend's project in which he combined lidar technology with a portable STM32 microcontroller. He created a similar visualization software based on a completely different low-level platform.
This project was developed within Electronics and Computer Science Club in Knurów (KNEI for short) where lots of amazing projects and ideas come from. Have a look at our website - - unfortunately, at the moment, only available in Polish. Check out our GitHub too -
Numerous packages with colourful electronic gadgets like RPLIDAR have been granted to us by our friends from