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Git Flow - Workflows 🌊

This repository represents a Git workflow, simplified through a series of actions displayed in a flowchart. The setup aligns with a basic Git flow, enabling us to maintain an agile and robust codebase.

The repository employs actions designed to follow a standard Git flow. This flow is organized into three main processes:

  1. Development Process 🚧 Developers create feature/ or bugfix/ branches from develop. Once complete, changes are pushed back via a pull request, ensuring quality through code reviews and approvals.

  2. Release Process 📢 A new release/ or hotfix/ branch is manually created. Version numbers are automatically updated - minor for release/ and patches for hotfix/. After QA testing, these branches merge into main.

  3. Deployment Process 🚀 Automated workflows handle deployment to STAGE 🧪 and PROD 🎬 environments. The main branch is tagged and released on GitHub before deployment.

Manual triggers allow for a hotfix/ or release/ initiation, while automatic version bumping ensures smooth progression. By integrating these workflows, we provide a streamlined approach for code development, review, release, and deployment.

graph TB 

subgraph "🎁 Product"
    subgraph release ["📢 Release Process"]
        direction TB

        subgraph repo ["😺 GH workflow"]
            direction TB
            A{{"🌳 main"}}
            tag>"🤖🔖 Tag -> 📣 Release -> ⏩ Sync -> 🚀 Deploy"]
        subgraph "🛎️ Manual Triggers"
            Hf[/"👆♨️ Dispatch hotfix "/]
            nR[/"👆🔖 Dispatch next release"/]
        subgraph automated["🤖 Auto bump & ✂️ branch"]
            Ab{{"🌳 main v1.0.0"}}
            H>"♨️ hotfix/v1.0.1"] 
            Db{{"🌿 develop v1.0.0"}} 
            R>"🔖 release/v1.1.0"]    

            =="🤖✂️ npm version patch"==>

            =="🤖✂️ npm version minor"==>

    direction TB
    subgraph develop ["🚧 Development Process"]
        D{{"🌿 develop"}} 
        =="👨‍💻 git checkout -b"==>
        FB>"✨ feature/🐛 bugfix/"]
        =="🤖 on push:
        ✨🐛 [PR] > develop "==>
        pr{"👌 PR Approved?"}
        pr -."👨‍💻🔧 
        Feedback".-> FB
        pr -."👆✅ Approve & Merge 🔀".-> D

    H-.->|"👆🔀 Merge patch"|A
 subgraph deploy ["🚀 Deployment Process"]
        direction LR
        S((("STAGE 🧪")))

        D  ==> |"🤖 on push:
        🚀 Deploy STAGE"|S
        subgraph "STAGE 🧪"
            direction LR
        subgraph "PROD 🎬"
            direction LR
            P((("PROD 🎬"))) 
             BT("🐛 New Ticket")
            tag ==> |"🤖 🚀 Deploy PROD"|P
        R ==>
        |"🏗️ Passed QA Merge"|A
        |"🤖 on push"|tag
        |"🤖⏩ Synchronize Dev"|D 
        T("🛠️ Reject Ticket") 
        P -.-> |"🕵️ QA Tests"|BT
        S -.-> |"🕵️ QA Changes"|T 

  1. The main branch 🌳 represents the current state of our 🎬 production code. Every commit to main mirrors a released version of the product.

  2. Hotfixes ♨️ are constructed from the main branch and once completed, merged back into it. This workflow ensures that our production code remains up-to-date with any critical fixes.

  3. Any updates committed to the main branch are automatically synchronized to the develop branch 🌿 by our trusty bot 🤖. This sync maintains consistency between our production and development codebases.

  4. Feature enhancements ✨ and bugfixes 🐛 branch from develop and, once completed, are merged back into develop. This workflow allows for continuous integration and delivery.

  5. All releases 🔖 are derived from the develop branch and deployed first to the staging environment 🧪 for rigorous testing and quality assurance.

  6. Once a release passes QA testing 🧑‍🔧, it gets merged into main, aligning the production code with the latest version.

  7. Updates to the main branch trigger a sequence of actions: tagging 🔖, releasing 📣, publishing 📦 on GitHub, and deploying to production 🎬 as necessary.

  8. Version bumping is fully automated through our actions, ensuring consistency and reducing manual error.

  9. PRs are automatically created when branches with a prefix of feature/ or bugfix/ are pushed. This feature streamlines the code review process.

  10. Two manual workflows exist to initiate a hotfix ♨️ or release 🔖, providing us with control over these critical processes when necessary.

The Workflows:

  • 🤖📣 Announce Release: Announces a new release on GitHub corresponding to the version found in package.json.
  • 🤖🏭 Build: Executes npm ci, npm run test, and npm run build commands.
  • 🆕 Changelog CI: Generates a comprehensive changelog.
  • 🤖🚀 Deploy Production 🎬: Deploys the application to the production environment.
  • 🤖🚀 Deploy Staging 🧪: Deploys the application to the staging environment.
  • 👆♨️ Dispatch hotfix branch: Initiates a hotfix/ branch and auto-bumps the patch number.
  • 👆🔖 Dispatch next minor release: Initiates a release/ branch and auto-bumps the minor number.
  • 👆🔖 Dispatch next major release: Initiates a release/ branch and auto-bumps the major number.
  • 🤖🐛 [PR] bugfix > develop: Auto-generates a PR to develop branch when a bugfix/ branch is pushed.
  • 🤖✨ [PR] feature > develop: Auto-generates a PR to develop branch when a feature/ branch is pushed.
  • 🤖📦 Publish Release: Executes npm ci, npm run build, and npm publish commands.
  • 🤖⏩ Synchronize develop: Syncs develop branch with any updates to main.
  • 🤖🔖 Tag main: Tags the repo using the version found in package.json, announces the release,