A dojo widget for adding a color picker to a page or block in EPiServer 8.
Add the code to your project:
You may use the same folder structure as this repository. Remember to update the namespaces in the class-files, or else you'll get several build errors.
I recommend to update the widget namespace (mapping between your js-script and dojo loader configuration). I guess you want a different name than "alloy". After you've updated the name-tag in the module.config you must update the ClientEditingClass in ColorPickerEditorDescriptor.cs. It's important that the namespace is in all lower-case, otherwise your widget won't be found, probably with a 404 pointing to /EPiServer/Shell/7.x.x.x/[..]. Additionally you should update the name in the declare statement in the javascript file.
Add property to a page or block:
[Display(GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content, Order = 10)]
public virtual string <PropertyName> { get; set; }