I am a graduated student of University of Ioannina with a master in Computer Science & Engineering. I am passionate about creating AI models to make predicitons and solve real-world problems. Some of the technologies that I enjoy working with include Tensorflow & Keras framework for deploying state-of-the-art DNNs and CNNs, as well as cutting-edge DRL agents. Also, I've become quite familiar with OpenCV and SKlearn libraries for Computer Vision and Data Processing after having done a lot of projects in my class, in my own and in Kaggle's competetions. Currently, I am doing research in Autonomous Vehicles, in which I deploy DRL algorithms to build self-driving cars in Carla simulator.
- Programming Languages (R, Python, Java, C, C++)
- Software Development in Multiple Platforms (JavaFX)
- Networking, Multi-Threading & Parallel Programming (Java, C)
- Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Spring Boot)
- Android Development (Android Studio)
- SQLite, PostgreSQL, Lucene & Database Algorithms (Java, Python)
- Graphs & Advanced Data Structures (Java)
- Data Mining (Scikit Learn, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn)
- Big Data Algorithms (Python, Numpy)
- Computer Vision (Python NumPy, OpenCV)
- Machine Learning Neural Networks (MLPs & CNN) with Tensorflow & Keras
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) with low-level Tensorflow
- Deep Reinforcement Learning (TF-Agents, RLLib)
- Autonomous Vehicle Algorithms
- Differential Equations Solvers with Neural Networks
- Proficiency in English (ECPE)
- Talking about my work.
- Working with people in a team.
- Meeting new people and creating new experiences.
- Working in a friendly environment.
- Discovering & Learning new things.
- Using my knowledge to solve challenging tasks.
- Conducting Research - Analyzing problems & suggesting solutions.
- Publishing my Code online, in order to help the scientific community.