Personal portfolio page
- Imported starter VanillaJS/Webpack template from 4GeeksAcademy.
- The first approach was to create a single page portfolio to start building what is known as SmoothScroll using my own code.
- After setting up some variables, I created fade-in animations from right, left, top, and bottom position using CSS3+JS.
- I used Bootstrap and JS to create the fillingBar effect in the skill section.
- Most of the page uses Bootstrap, except for the modal gallery that has my own CSS3 flex-box code.
- Created different modals for the gallery project and using JavaScript onclick event could show each project modal.
- The form uses for the backend.
- I used images from unsplash which are free to use and icons from flaticon which are also free to use.
- I wanted to create an amazing animated background at the top of the page, so I used some help from and adapted the code to my website.
- First, doing SmoothScroll + CSSAnimations was my biggest challenge because all I found was JS animation libraries to use in my code. I wanted to created my own animations, so I found a method in MDN that solved most of my scrolling problems.
- After using Bootstrap for a while I had to re learn some CSS3 tricks like flex-box and how to use @keyframes + animation.
Thanks for visiting my portfolio-website and for taking time to read this!