The RaspberryMatic project is a collaborate effort to provide a lightweight, Linux/buildroot-based HomeMatic compatible distribution for embedded devices like the RaspberryPi. It is based on the Open-Central-Control-Unit-SDK (OCCU) provided by eQ-3 as part of the HomeMatic home automation platform. The RaspberryMatic distribution is provided as a full microSD card image that can be directly flashed and then used in a RaspberryPi as the main operating system for controlling all kind of HomeMatic compatible devices with full compatibility to a CCU2 device directly sold by eQ-3.
- 100% HomeMatic system compliant based on latest OCCU 2.29.23 CCU software environment
- Fully BidCos-RF (HomeMatic), Wired (HomeMatic-Wired) and HmIP-RF (HomeMatic-IP) compatible
- Based on latest Buildroot 2017.11 lightweight Linux operating system
- Integration of latest community versions of WebUI (
) - Self-contained disk image targeted for slim embedded devices (primarily RaspberryPi)
- Latest Linux kernel 4.9.69 with hard-float support
- Enabled Preemptive kernel support (
) to minimize latencies and improve CCU operation properties - Support to boot system using an external USB memory stick or hard disk (RaspberryPi3 only)
- Read-only root file system to minimize write operations on SD card
- Supports latest JAVA8 runtime environment (1.8.0_152-
- Supports onboard WiFi of RaspberryPi3 or Raspberry Pi Zero W as well as various third-party USB WiFi sticks
- Supports onboard Bluetooth of RaspberryPi3 or Raspberry Pi Zero W as well as various third-party USB Bluetooth sticks
- Supports Network UPS Tools (NUT) setups including USB connection to uninterruptible power supply (UPS) as well as remote NUT server use (e.g. via Synology NAS Network UPS functionality)
- Support to be used as a pure HomeMatic LAN Gateway (HM-LGW-O-TW-W-EU) only
- Support to be used without HM-MOD-RPI-PCB RF module and just connect it to a HomeMatic LAN Gateway (HM-LGW-O-TW-W-EU)
- Full IPv6 support and default HTTPS enabled WebUI support
- Support to query status information of the underlying Linux system using SNMP requests
- Auto-resizing
partition to use the full capacity of the SD card or USB stick - Support for the following third-party Hardware Attached on Top (HAT) boards:
- S.USV β UPS including alarm notification upon power loss and automatic system shutdown in case batteries are exhausted.
- PiModules UPS PIco β UPS including automatic system shutdown in case batteries are exhausted.
- StromPi2 β UPS including alarm notification upon power loss.
- Direct support for RTC clock modules (PiFace Shim RTC, DS3231, DS1307, onboard Tinkerboard RTC)
- Hardware WatchDog support automatically rebooting the system upon severe hardware/lockup problems
- Direct CloudMatic ( support
- Dedicated Build Environment using a cross compiler (
) to compile third-party applications
- No web-based configuration for setting up WiFi or Bluetooth support (work in progress)
- No HomeMatic-IP support with HM-MOD-RPI-PCB on ASUS Tinkerboard (work in progress)
- No Bluetooth and onboard-WiFi support for ASUS Tinkerboard (work in progress)
- A used HM-Sys-sRP-Pl repeater cannot be reconfigured
- Any of the following embedded hardware boards:
- One of the following BidCos-RF/HomeMaticIP capabale RF devices:
- HomeMatic-RF GPIO Radio Module (HM-MOD-RPI-PCB β Installation)
- HomeMaticIP RF USB Stick (HmIP-RFUSB)
- HomeMatic LAN Gateway (HM-LGW-O-TW-W-EU)
- HomeMatic Config Adapter (HM-CFG-USB-2)
- 2GB minimum space on microSD card or USB memory stick / hard disk (when using RaspberryPi3)
The CCU platform allows to enhance the functionality of a CCU by installing so-called Addon packages. For RaspberryMatic, standard CCU-Addon packages won't work because included binaries have to be recompiled for the hard-float buildroot environment RaspberryMatic uses. Here is a list of well-known already compatible Addon packages (please note that this list might be incomplete):
- CUxD
- hm_pdetect
- Email-Addon
- CUxD-Highcharts
- HQ-WebUI
- DB-Access
- QuickAccess
- Script-Parser
- WebMatic
- Sonos Player
- hm2mqtt
- CCU-Historian
- Watchdog
- homeputer CL Studio
- Print / ProgrammeDrucken
- HomeMatic Check_MK
- hm-tools
The installation of RaspberryMatic is quite straight forward as it is delivered as a full SD card image that can be directly flashed onto a microSD card and put into the corresponding RaspberryPi. As such the installation consists of the following basic steps:
- Download latest release archive (
) for the hardware platform you are using:wget
- Unarchive zip file resulting in an SD card image (
), e.g.:unzip
- Check sha256 checksum to check integrity of SD card image, e.g.:
sha256sum -c RaspberryMatic-X.XX.XX.YYYYMMDD-XXX.img.sha256
- Use the image flasher tool "Etcher" ( to flash the
file to your SD card or USB drive. As an alternative you can also use the following command-line calls to manually flash it on Unix-based operating systems:- Linux:
sudo dd if=RaspberryMatic-X.XX.XX.YYYYMMDD-XXX.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M conv=fsync
- macOS:
sudo dd if=RaspberryMatic-X.XX.XX.YYYYMMDD-XXX.img of=/dev/rdiskX bs=1M conv=fsync
- Linux:
- For HM-MOD-RPI-PCB use only: Make sure you have the HM-MOD-RPI-PCB radio module installed on the GPIO
- Install microSD in your RaspberryPi and connect power
- Wait until bootup process is finished and use a web browser to connect to http://homematic-raspi/
Documentation (e.g. how to port your HomeMatic configuration from a CCU2 to RaspberryMatic) and installation support is currently limited to using a mostly german language speaking fora with the following links pointing to the relevant sections of the fora where you can find documentation and help about RaspberryMatic:
- RaspberryMatic - Installation Guide π©πͺ
- RaspberryMatic - Forum π©πͺ
- HM-MOD-RPI-PCB - Installation Video π©πͺ
As the RaspberryMatic project is an open source based project everyone is invited to contribute to this project. Please note, however, that functionality within the corresponding eQ-3 OCCU binaries can not be modified as the main HomeMatic services (rfd, ReGaHSS, HMServer, etc.) are provided in binary format by the OCCU project and not compiled from sources. Nevertheless, if you are a talented developer and want to contribute to the success of RaspberryMatic feel free to send over pull requests or report issues / enhancement requests.
Even for those that don't have the technical knowhow to help developing on RaspberryMatic there are ways to support our development. Please consider sending us a donation to not only help us to compensate for expenses regarding RaspberryMatic, but also to keep our general development motivation on a high level. So if you want to donate some money please feel free to send us money via PayPal.
Building your own RaspberryMatic sd card image is a very straight forward process using this build environment β given that you have sufficient Linux/Unix knowledge and you know what you are actually doing. But if you know what you are doing and which host tools are required to actually be able to run a RaspberryMatic build, it should be as simple as:
$ git clone
$ cd RaspberryMatic
$ make dist
[wait up to 1h]
$ make install of=/dev/sdX
After a successfull build of RaspberryMatic a dedicated cross compiler (arm-linux-gcc
) should be available within the build-raspberrypi3
path. You can use this GCC-based cross compiler to compile all kind of third party applications which can then be run within RaspberryMatic:
$ cd HelloWorld
$ <path-to-RaspberryMatic-build>/build-raspmatic_rpi3/host/usr/bin/arm-linux-gcc -o HelloWorld HelloWorld.c
A valid alternative for building RaspberryMatic ARM-hardfloat compatible binaries is to use the linaro based Linux cross compiler suite supplied here.
The RaspberryMatic build environment itself β the files found in this git repository β as well as the RaspberryMatic sd card images are licensed under the conditions of the Apache License 2.0. Please note, however, that the buildroot distribution RaspberryMatic is using is licensed under the GPLv2 license instead. Furthermore, the eQ-3 OCCU software RaspberryMatic is using to provide HomeMatic-based services is licensed under the (HMSL).
See Contributors for a complete list of people that have contributed to the success of RaspberryMatic.