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Koinos Exception Cpp

This library contains code for the Koinos exception hierarchy and exception handling.

Project Structure

This project's structure follows the Pitchfork specification.

├── build/   # An ephemeral directory for building the project. Not checked in, but excluded via .gitignore.
├── include/ # Contains all public headers for the Koinos Exception.
├── src/     # Contains all source code and private headers for Koinos Exception.
└── tests/   # Contains tests for Koinos Exception.


Koinos Exceptions's build process is configured using CMake. Additionally, all dependencies are managed through Hunter, a CMake drive package manager for C/C++. This means that all dependencies are downloaded and built during configuration rather than relying on system installed libraries.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . --config Release --parallel

You can optionally run static analysis with Clang-Tidy during the build process. Static analysis is checked in CI and is required to pass before merging pull requests.



Tests are built by default as target exception_tests. You can building them specifically with:

cmake --build . --config Release --parallel --target exception_tests

Tests can be invoked from the tests directiory within the build directory.

cd tests

Tests can also be ran in parallel using CTest.

cd tests
ctest -j

You can also generate a coverage report.

cmake --build . --config Debug --parallel 3 --target coverage

You can run tests in different sanitizer profiles. Those profiles are None (Default), Address, Stack, and Thread. Currently, these are only known to work with clang, but may work with gcc with additional environment configuration.

cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D SANITIZER=Address ..
cmake --build . --config Debug --parallel --target exception_tests
cd tests
ctest -j


Formatting of the source code is enforced by ClangFormat. If ClangFormat is installed, build targets will be automatically generated. You can review the library's code style by uploading the included .clang-format to

You can build format.check to check formattting and format.fix to attempt to automatically fix formatting. It is recommended to check and manually fix formatting as automatic formatting can unintentionally change code.


As an open source project, contributions are welcome and appreciated. Before contributing, please read our Contribution Guidelines.