Convert url-list to tree structure.
If the url-list contains title of the Web page, the url must be surrounded by double quotes (at least '",' must present at the end of the url string), and the url and title must be separeted by comma (,).
Compile and run with a file of url list.
gcc -Wall -g -o url-to-tree url-to-tree.c
./url-to-tree <utl-list-text-file>
$ ./url-to-tree urls.csv
|--- aaa aaa-title aaa-1
|--- xxx aaa-xxx title5
+--- zzz aaa-zzz title4
+--- bbb bbb title2
+--- yyy bbb-yyy title3
here, urls.csv looks like...
"","aaa-title aaa-1"
"","bbb title2"
"","bbb-yyy title3"
"","aaa-zzz title4"
"","aaa-xxx title5"
If you put "-tsv" option, the tree is printed out separated by TAB(s), so that you can save and import the output to Excel or Google Sheet as a TSV file.
$ ./url-to-tree -tsv urls.csv
aaa-title aaa-1 aaa
aaa-xxx title5 xxx
aaa-zzz title4 zzz
bbb title2 bbb
bbb-yyy title3 yyy