Poller for inserting rows to Clickhouse, this would wait specific time to flush inserts or when buffer full. Need modification if used with other database product.
create a PrepareFunc
= the prepared statement
prepareFunc := func(tx *sql.Tx) *sql.Stmt {
stmt, err := tx.Prepare(`INSERT INTO dummy1(strCol,intCol,floatCol,dateCol,timeCol) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)`)
L.IsError(err, `failed prepare insert to dummy1`)
return stmt
create timed buffer, one per prepared statement, requirement:
- clickhouse connection
- max buffer count (capacity), measure record size so it won't use too much memory, eg. 100K x 200 byte row = will use around 2 x 20 MB (double buffer), clickhouse can ingest 600K-1 million records per second, don't set it too low (<10K) or it would throw an error like this
code: 252, message: Too many parts (300). Merges are processing significantly slower than inserts
- flush interval and shutdown delay
- function that create prepared statement
tb := chBuffer.NewTimedBuffer(conn, capacity, 1*time.Second, prepareFunc)
if you want to exit immediately after all flushed and exit triggered, without this, might deadlock if:
- using multiple channel that depend each other
- calling
or sendingTriggerExit
// if this value true, any code after <- WaitFinalFlush will not be called
// including main's defer
tb.ForceExitOnSignal = true
change default behavior from waiting remaining insert to exit immediately after flush if Close()
or TriggerExit
// if this false (default) = you want to exit by waiting last flush ticker / no more traffic
// if this true, there will be loss data when there's pending channel queue more than buffer length or insert after close triggered
tb.DontWaitMoreInsertAfterClose = true
add callback to gracefully close other goroutine (eg. webserver) if needed, see *_test
directory for example.
tb.OnExitCallback = func() {}
ignore interrupt signal
tb.IgnoreInterrupt = true
enqueue the insert
tb.Insert(...) // can be on other goroutine, it's thread safe, if insert > capacity, it would block
trigger exit manually (if needed)
tb.TriggerExit <- true // alternate syntax
make main func doesn't exit until last record flushed, should be the last on main
<- tb.WaitFinalFlush
make test