Utility to parse sgf file into Tree/Node structure. It can be used to extract a list of list of actions from file, and push them into Go.Board.
It uses Erlang lexer (but not yacc) for tokenization. The lexer is a slightly modified version of Trevoke/sgf-elixir, lexer/yacc branch.
The purpose of this project is to use Tree/Node for sgf editing.
- Add to_sgf for Tree and Node
- Build the sgf editor
Various references used in the project.
This package is not yet available on hex. Please use :
def deps do
[{:go_parser, github: "kokolegorille/go_parser", tag: "v0.1.0"}]
There are multiples sample files in test/fixtures
- example.sgf
- ff4_ex.sgf
- KJD dictionary
- sample files from ff4 spec page
- Bogus file to test Error path