This project evolved into GLO. I do not intent to continue maintaining this and would like to point out that it still contains many unfixed bugs
This is a Work-in-Progress ISO 7185 Pascal interpreter I am building in order to get confident with lexers, parsers, interpreters and all that good stuff. All PRs are welcomed and for any question you can join our gitter chat!
To install the CLI, execute the following command:
npm install -g @pascal-psi/cli
or with Yarn
yarn global add @pascal-psi/cli
psi <file to interpret>
There are demo programs you can try running in the demos directory
This project is structured as a monorepo using Lerna.
In order to build the project, first install lerna
npm install -g lerna
or with Yarn:
yarn global add lerna
And then run lerna bootstrap
on the root directory. This will install all the dependencies for all the modules and link them together.
If you want to run the CLI, run the /modules/cli/bin/run
- Data types
- Integer (Does not support scientific notation)
- Real (Does not support scientific notation)
- Boolean
- Char
- Arrays
- Variables
- Procedures
- Functions
- Flow Control
- If
- Else If
- Else
- Loops
- For...Do
- While...Do
- Repeat...Until
- Numerical Operators
- Addition (+)
- Subtraction (-)
- Multiplication (*)
- Division (/)
- Integer Division (div)
- Modulus (mod)
- Logical Operators
- OR
- Comparison Operators
- Equals (=)
- Not Equals (<>)
- Less than (<)
- Less or Equal than (<=)
- Greater than (>)
- Greater or Equal than (>=)
- Library
- Write
- WrtiteLn
Please join the gitter chat if you are interested in contributing to this project.