by Flash/Tune
A long time ago,
in a galaxy far, far away..
The E38 unit came into my hands after the EEPROM was damaged. The Seed/Key pair was irretrievably lost, the standard one did not fit... after about a couple of days (or rather nights) of trying to recover the key, this script was born.
- 2 bytes Seed Key brutforce tester (via J2534 device).
- Power control - L-Line (pin15). Use PowerBox or similar devce.
Script has 8 phases:
- 0 - Defaut Key (gmlan 0x92 algo)
- 1 - Key = Seed
- 2 - All algo keys in "gmlan" proto
- 3 - All algo keys in "class2" proto
- 4 - All algo keys in "others" proto
- 5 - All keys with same hi-lo byte (0101, 0202 ...)
- 6 - All keys with mirror hi-lo byte (0110, 0220 ...)
- 7 - Bruteforce all 65536 keys
Script have settings:
- runForward - Key from 0000 to FFFF, or backward
- swapByte - Swap high and low Key Byte (0001, 0002 ... or 0100, 0200 ...)
and some more. Look inside.
Curren progress saves in "history\%VIN%.last.ini" file.
- PS. Use Windows and Python 3.12 x32
- PPS.Code written by my monkey danсing on the keyboard.
- PPPS. Have you found a Key and want to share your Joy? ;-)
- USDT: TQzFrezTpgY7AknMsxMRPsBsAzDi9tHZJ3 (TRC20)
- NPYK J2534 modified lib
- YustasSwamp gm-seed-key modified to .so
- MD Flasher license #90 logs made by joeyoravec j2534-logger