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KDT is a command line client for Kondukto written in Go. It interacts with Kondukto engine through public API.

With KDT, you can list projects and their scans in Kondukto, and restart a scan with a specific application security tool. KDT is also easy to use in CI/CD pipelines to trigger scans and break releases if a scan fails or scan results don't met specified release criteria.

What is Kondukto?

Kondukto is an Application Security Testing Orchestration and DevSecOps platform that helps you centralize and automate your entire AppSec related vulnerability management process. Providing an interface where security health of applications can be continuously monitored, and a command line interface where your AppSec operations can be integrated into DevOps pipelines, Kondukto lets you manage your AppSec processes automatically with ease.


You can install the CLI with a curl utility script or by downloading the pre-compiled binary from the GitHub release page. Once installed you'll get the kdt-cli command and kdt alias.

Utility script with curl:

$ curl -sSL | sudo sh

Non-root with curl:

$ curl -sSL | sh


To install the kdt-cli on Windows go to Releases and download the latest kdt-cli.exe.

Or you can also simply run the following if you have an existing Go environment:

go get

If you want to build it yourself, clone the source files using GitHub, change into the kdt directory and compile:

git clone
cd kdt
go build . -o kdt

or simply run

make all


KDT needs Kondukto host and an API token for authentication. API tokens can be created under Integrations/API Tokens menu.

You can provide configuration via three different ways:

1) Setting environment variables:

(example is for BASH shell)

$ export KONDUKTO_HOST=http://localhost:8080

It is always better to set environment variables in shell profile files(~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, ~/.profile etc.)

2) Providing a configuration file.

Default path for config file is $HOME/.kdt.yaml. Another file can be provided with --config command line flag.

kdt --config=config.yaml list projects

A config file example.

// $HOME/.kdt.yaml 
host: http://localhost:8088
token: WmQ2eHFDRzE3elplN0ZRbUVsRDd3VnpUSHk0TmF6Uko5OGlyQ1JvR2JOOXhoWEFtY2ZrcDJZUGtrb2tV
insecure: true
3) Using command line flags
kdt list projects --host http://localhost:8088 --token WmQ2eHFDRzE3elplN0ZRbUVsRDd3VnpUSHk0TmF6Uko5OGlyQ1JvR2JOOXhoWEFtY2ZrcDJZUGtrb2tV


KDT comes with an internal documentation. To see the documentation just type kdt --help. Most KDT commands are straightforward but for the details of a command you can always take a peak to the documentation. kdt <command> --help or kdt <command> <sub-command> --help.

Health Checks

Regular health checks are critical in ensuring uninterrupted communication between KDT and the Kondukto service. This section provides the necessary commands to perform these checks.

  • Verify KDT Connection to Kondukto Service

    This command allows you to check whether KDT is successfully connected to the Kondukto service.

    $ kdt ping
  • Validate API Token

    This command enables you to confirm that your API token is valid.

    $ kdt ping -a

Command Overview

This section provides an overview of key KDT commands, including instructions on how to list projects, list project scans, check ALM project availability, restart a scan, and import scan results.

Listing Projects

To retrieve a list of all projects, utilize the following command:

$ kdt list projects

Listing Scans for a Specific Project

To list all scans associated with a specific project, use the command below. Remember to replace "ExampleProject" with the name of your project:

$ kdt list scans -p ExampleProject

Checking ALM Project Availability

The command below checks the availability of an ALM project. The $ALM_TOOL placeholder should be replaced with the name of your ALM tool, and the $PROJECT_ID placeholder with your project ID.

$ kdt project available -a $ALM_TOOL -r $PROJECT_ID

The command will return an exit code of 0 if the project is available, and an exit code of -1 (255) if the project is not available.

Restarting a Scan

There are two options to restart a scan:

  1. Using the scan ID:

    $ kdt scan -s 5da6cafa5ab6e436faf643dc
  2. Using the project and tool names:

    $ kdt scan -p ExampleProject -t ExampleTool

Importing Scan Results

To import scan results as a file, use the following command:

$ kdt scan -p ExampleProject -t ExampleTool -b master -f results.json

Command Line Flags

KDT offers a range of useful flags to streamline the management of scans. These include both global flags, applicable to all KDT commands, and command-specific flags.

Global Flags

The following flags can be applied across all KDT commands:

  • --host: Defines the HTTP address of the Kondukto server, including the port.

  • --token: Specifies the API token generated by Kondukto.

  • --config: Points to the configuration file to use, superseding the default one ($HOME/.kdt.yaml).

  • --async: Initiates an asynchronous scan that won't block the process while waiting for the scan to complete. KDT will exit gracefully once the scan has successfully started.

  • --insecure: Bypasses the client's verification of the server's certificates and host name. Please note that this mode exposes TLS to potential man-in-the-middle attacks. It is not recommended unless you fully understand the potential risks.

  • -v or --verbose: Enables verbose output, providing more detailed logs. This flag is particularly useful for debugging purposes.

Scan Command Flags

The following flags are exclusive to the scan commands:

  • -p or --project: Specifies the project name or ID.

  • -t or --tool: Specifies the tool name.

  • -s or --scan-id: Indicates the scan ID.

  • -b or --branch: Designates the branch to be scanned.

Please note that these flags are only applicable for scan commands.

Additional Note

If these flags are used in conjunction with the -v (verbose) flag, more detailed information about the scan will be provided.

Release Command Flags

The following flags are specific to the release commands:

  • -p or --project: Specifies the project name or ID.

  • -b or --branch: Specifies the project branch name, default is the project's default branch.

  • --cs: Processes CS (Code Security) criteria status.

  • --dast: Processes DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) criteria status.

  • --iac: Processes IAC (Infrastructure as Code) criteria status.

  • --iast: Processes IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing) criteria status.

  • --pentest: Processes Penetration Testing criteria status.

  • --sast: Processes SAST (Static Application Security Testing) criteria status.

  • --sca: Processes SCA (Software Composition Analysis) criteria status.

Please note that these flags are only valid for release commands.

Additional Note

If these flags are used in conjunction with the -v (verbose) flag, more detailed information about the criteria status of the release will be provided.

Threshold Flags

The following flags represent thresholds for the maximum number of vulnerabilities, of a specified severity, to be ignored. Should these thresholds be exceeded, KDT will terminate with a non-zero status code.

  • --threshold-crit: Defines the threshold for critical severity vulnerabilities.

  • --threshold-high: Sets the threshold for high severity vulnerabilities.

  • --threshold-med: Establishes the threshold for medium severity vulnerabilities.

  • --threshold-low: Determines the threshold for low severity vulnerabilities.

  • --threshold-risk: Sets the risk threshold for failing tests if the scan results in a higher risk score than the previous scan's risk score. This flag is useful for maintaining a project's security level. If used with every scan in DevOps pipelines, it ensures the project's vulnerability does not increase.

Please note that the risk threshold only considers the last two scans performed with the same tool. If the project has not been scanned with the tool, KDT will fail as it cannot compare risk scores. Also, these threshold flags do not function with the --async flag since KDT will exit when the scan begins, and thus cannot check scan results.

Example Usage:

The following command scans the project "SampleProject" with the tool "SampleTool", setting thresholds for critical vulnerabilities at 3, high vulnerabilities at 10, and considering the risk:

$ kdt scan -p SampleProject -t SampleTool --threshold-crit 3 --threshold-high 10 --threshold-risk

Supported Scanners (Tools)

KDT is designed to support all scanners enabled in the Kondukto server. The list of available scanners is dynamically updated as new tools are added, ensuring KDT remains adaptable and scalable to your scanning needs.

To view the currently available scanners, use the kdt list scanners command:

kdt --config kondukto.yaml list scanners

Example output:

Name       ID                          Type    Trigger     Labels
----       --                          ----    -------     ------
gosec      60eec8a83e9e5e6e2ae52d06    sast    new scan    docker,kdt
semgrep    60eec8a53e9e5e6e2ae52d05    sast    rescan      template,docker,kdt

This output provides a summary of each available scanner, including its name, ID, type, trigger mechanism, and any associated labels.

Please note that the actual list of supported scanners can vary as new tools are regularly added to improve the capabilities of KDT.

Custom Parameters

For some tools the default behaviour of KDT is re-triggering or re-scanning of an existing scan. This means that, there should be a configured scan on Kondukto for KDT to run re-run this operation from the CLI. However, by passing some custom arguments to the scanner, Kondukto server can create and start a scan without having a configuration.

The scanners that supports customer parameters are shown with --params arguments. A customized scan example:

# Run a scan using semgrep on a develop branch
# with a custom rule path
kdt scan -p SampleProject \
         -b develop -t semgrep \
	 --params=ruleset_type:2 --params=ruleset_options.ruleset:/rules/

Advanced Usage Examples

KDT can be utilized in various ways within your pipeline. The following example demonstrates an advanced use case:

$ kdt --config kondukto-config.yml \
    --insecure \
    scan \
    --project SampleProject \
    --tool fortify \
    --file results.fpr \
    --branch develop \
    --threshold-crit 0 \
    --threshold-high 0

In this command:

  • --config: Specifies the Kondukto configuration file in yaml format.

  • --insecure: Indicates not to verify SSL certificates.

  • scan: Initiates a scan.

  • --project: Defines the name of the application on the Kondukto server.

  • --tool: Specifies the AST (Application Security Testing) tool to be used, in this case, 'fortify'.

  • --file: Determines the result filename. When this parameter is given, the scan will not be initiated, and only the results file (results.fpr) will be analyzed.

  • --branch: Specifies the branch name.

  • --threshold-crit: Sets the critical severity threshold value to "break the build" in the pipeline. When this parameter is provided, the entered security criteria will be overwritten.

$ kdt --config kondukto-config.yml \
    scan \
    --project SampleProject \
    --tool trivy \
    --image ubuntu@256:ab02134176aecfe0c0974ab4d3db43ca91eb6483a6b7fe6556b480489edd04a1 \
    --branch develop

In this command:

  • --config: Specifies the Kondukto configuration file in yaml format.

  • scan: Initiates a scan.

  • --project: Defines the name of the application on the Kondukto server.

  • --tool: Specifies the AST (Application Security Testing) tool to be used, in this case, 'trivy'.

  • --image: Identifies the image to be scanned. The image name can be given with the digest or with the tag name (e.g., ubuntu:latest).

  • --branch: Specifies the branch name.

The following example illustrates how to create a new project using KDT:

$ kdt --config kondukto-config.yml \
    create \
    project \ 
    --repo-id \
    --labels GDPR,Internal \
    --alm-tool github

In this command:

  • --config: Specifies the Kondukto configuration file in yaml format.

  • create: Acts as the base command for the create operation.

  • project: Acts as a subcommand to create a new project.

  • --repo-id: Specifies the project repository URL or ALM ID.

  • --labels: Associates the project with a list of labels.

  • --alm-tool: Specifies the ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) tool. This is required if more than one ALM is enabled in Kondukto.

Additional flags that can be set include:

  • --team: Specifies a team name. By default, the team name is 'default team'.

  • --force-create: Creates a project with a suffix - if there is another project with the same name.

  • --overwrite: Overwrites the project name, eliminating the need to add a - suffix.

This command creates a project on Kondukto that matches the name in your ALM tool. If a project with the same name already exists, the command will print an error message and exit with a status code. You can pass the --force-create flag to create a project with a suffix -, or pass the --overwrite flag to overwrite the project name.

kdt --config kondukto-config.yml \
    sbom import \
    --file cyclonedx-sbom.json \
    --project SampleProject \
    --branch develop
  • --config: Kondukto configuration file in yaml format
  • sbom import: Subcommand to import a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) file
  • --file: The CycloneDX SBOM output file in JSON format
  • --project: The name or ID of the project in the Kondukto server
  • --branch: The name of the branch of the application

This command allows you to update a previously generated SBOM file in the Kondukto system. Please note that currently, only the CycloneDX standard is supported for SBOM files.

Contributing to KDT

Contributions to the KDT project are highly appreciated. Whether you're reporting issues, suggesting new features, or directly helping with development, your input is valuable.

Here's how you can contribute:

  • Report issues or suggest new features by creating a new issue in the repository.

  • Contribute directly to the codebase by forking the repository and creating pull requests.

Before submitting your pull requests, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Create and name your branches according to the Git Flow methodology.

    • For new features: feature/example-feature-branch
    • For bug fixes: bugfix/example-bugfix-branch
  • Ensure that your code is properly documented, following idiomatic Go practices. Exported functions should always be commented.

  • Write detailed PR descriptions and comments. This helps maintainers understand your changes and speeds up the review process.

Thank you for helping to improve KDT!