Image overlay fixer for Google Maps.
Basic initialize:
// Set a map
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), {
zoom: 15,
center: {lat: 51.5, lng: 0.12},
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE});
// Only need the src for loading an image.
// For re-loading, an image bounds can be set.
var imgOverlay = {
src: ''
// ne: {
// lat: 51.02417529082717,
// lng: -0.031757354736328125
// },
// sw: {
// lat: 50.98599087089921,
// lng: -0.07381439208984375
// }
// Load the image overlay.
var overlay = new OverlayTiler( imageOverlay, map );
// Run after image load.
overlay.afterLoad() = function() {};
// Run after overlay added.
overlay.afterAdd() = function() {};
// Run after each overlay render
overlay.afterRender() = function() {};
// Return the current bounds of the image.
var bounds = overlay.getImgBounds();
Usage Example:
// Initialize an overlay.
var overlay = new OverlayTiler( imageOverlay, map );
// Constantly update.
overlay.afterRender = function () {
// Get the current image bounds.
var bounds = overlay.getImgBounds();
var sw = bounds.getSouthWest();
var ne = bounds.getNorthEast();
// Set an updated output.
var output = '';
output += 'SW lat: ' + + '<br>';
output += 'SW lng: ' + sw.lng() + '<br>';
output += 'NE lat: ' + + '<br>';
output += 'NE lng: ' + ne.lng();
// Update the DOM.
document.getElementById( 'bounds' ).innerHTML = output;