GitHub Actions / linux-wpt-layout-2020
Dec 28, 2024 in 0s
Aggregated linux-wpt-layout-2020 report
Test results for linux-wpt-layout-2020 from try job (#12524827924):
Flaky unexpected result (10)
- TIMEOUT [expected OK]
- TIMEOUT [expected PASS] subtest:
Cached cross-origin response doesn't hang
Test timed out
- TIMEOUT [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#23384)- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
WebGL test #0: Texture switching significantly hurt performance - achieved 832 frames in 2.002 seconds (0.75 times baseline performance)
assert_true: Texture switching significantly hurt performance - achieved 832 frames in 2.002 seconds (0.75 times baseline performance) expected true got false
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#34623)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Duplicate name lookup order
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- TIMEOUT [expected ERROR]
(#34120) - TIMEOUT [expected CRASH]
(#22647) - CRASH [expected TIMEOUT]
(#24057) - OK
(#29634)- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
Verifies that location navigations take precedence when following form submissions.
assert_equals: expected "/html/semantics/forms/form-submission-0/resources/location.html" but got "/html/semantics/forms/form-submission-0/resources/form.html"
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#28687)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
text/plain: \r\n in name (formdata event)
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK
(#28687)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
application/x-www-form-urlencoded: 0x00 in name (formdata event)
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
application/x-www-form-urlencoded: 0x00 in value (formdata event)
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK
(#32629)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Changing layout in window error handler should not result in lifecyle loop when resize observer loop limit is reached.
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Stable unexpected results that are known to be intermittent (18)
- FAIL [expected PASS]
(#32849) - PASS [expected FAIL]
(#31559) - OK [expected TIMEOUT]
(#31014) - OK
(#32212)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
When clicking child <A></A> of parent <INPUT type=checkbox></INPUT>, only child should be activated.
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
When clicking child <A></A> of parent <INPUT type=radio></INPUT>, only child should be activated.
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
When clicking child <A></A> of parent <FORM><INPUT type=submit></INPUT></FORM>, only child should be activated.
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
When clicking child <A></A> of parent <FORM><INPUT type=image></INPUT></FORM>, only child should be activated.
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
When clicking child <A></A> of parent <FORM><INPUT type=reset></INPUT></FORM>, only child should be activated.
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
When clicking child <A></A> of parent <FORM><BUTTON type=submit></BUTTON></FORM>, only child should be activated.
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
When clicking child <A></A> of parent <FORM><BUTTON type=reset></BUTTON></FORM>, only child should be activated.
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
When clicking child <A></A> of parent <AREA></AREA>, only child should be activated.
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
When clicking child <A></A> of parent <DETAILS><SUMMARY></SUMMARY></DETAILS>, only child should be activated.
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
When clicking child <A></A> of parent <LABEL><INPUT type=checkbox></INPUT><SPAN></SPAN></LABEL>, only child should be activated.
- And 1 more unexpected results...
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK
(#32732)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK
(#29056)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Cross-origin navigation started from unload handler must be ignored
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK
(#21383)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Multiple history traversals, last would be aborted
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- CRASH [expected TIMEOUT]
(#22667) - TIMEOUT [expected CRASH]
(#24066)- NOTRUN [expected FAIL] subtest:
Check that popups from a sandboxed iframe do not escape the sandbox
- NOTRUN [expected FAIL] subtest:
- CRASH [expected TIMEOUT]
(#22154) - CRASH [expected TIMEOUT]
(#24066) - OK
(#21544)- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
assert_unreached: got unexpected load event Reached unreachable code
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
assert_unreached: got unexpected error event Reached unreachable code
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
assert_unreached: got unexpected error event Reached unreachable code
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#27659)- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
async document.write in a module
assert_true: onload must be called expected true got false
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#26243)- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
document.write in an imported module
assert_true: onload must be called expected true got false
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#29137)- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
document.write in an imported module
assert_true: onload must be called expected true got false
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#33334)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Reload domContentLoadedEventEnd > Original domContentLoadedEventEnd
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- TIMEOUT [expected OK]
(#34773)- TIMEOUT [expected PASS] subtest:
The navigation_id getter does not crash a window of detached frame
Test timed out
- TIMEOUT [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK [expected TIMEOUT]