Keras Audio Preprocessors. Written by Keunwoo Choi.
Why bother to save STFT/melspectrograms to your storage? Just do it on-the-fly on-GPU.
How demanding is the computation? Check out this paper!
20 Feb 2019
- Kapre ver 0.1.4
- Fixed amplitude-to-decibel error as raised in #46
- Kapre ver 0.1.4
March 2018
- Kapre ver 0.1.3
- Kapre is on Pip again
- Add unit tests
- Remove
- Remove some codes while adding more dependency on Librosa to make it cleaner and more stable
- and therefore
option enabled inMelspectrogram
- and therefore
- Kapre ver 0.1.3
9 July 2017
- Kapre ver 0.1.1, aka 'pretty stable' with a benchmark paper
- Remove STFT, python3 compatible
- A full documentation in this
- pip version is updated
- Kapre ver 0.1.1, aka 'pretty stable' with a benchmark paper
- For keras >= 2.0
pip install kapre
git clone
cd kapre
python install
- For Keras 1.x (note: it is not updated anymore;)
git clone
cd kapre
git checkout a2bde3e
python install
Audio preprocessing layers
in time_frequency.pyAmplitudeToDB
in utils.pyFilterbank
in filterbank.pyAdditiveNoise
- More examples on example folder
from keras.models import Sequential
from kapre.time_frequency import Melspectrogram
from kapre.utils import Normalization2D
from kapre.augmentation import AdditiveNoise
# 6 channels (!), maybe 1-sec audio signal, for an example.
input_shape = (6, 44100)
sr = 44100
model = Sequential()
# A mel-spectrogram layer
model.add(Melspectrogram(n_dft=512, n_hop=256, input_shape=input_shape,
padding='same', sr=sr, n_mels=128,
fmin=0.0, fmax=sr/2, power_melgram=1.0,
return_decibel_melgram=False, trainable_fb=False,
# Maybe some additive white noise.
# If you wanna normalise it per-frequency
model.add(Normalization2D(str_axis='freq')) # or 'channel', 'time', 'batch', 'data_sample'
# After this, it's just a usual keras workflow. For example..
# Add some layers, e.g., model.add(some convolution layers..)
# Compile the model
model.compile('adam', 'categorical_crossentropy') # if single-label classification
# train it with raw audio sample inputs
x = load_x() # e.g., x.shape = (10000, 6, 44100)
y = load_y() # e.g., y.shape = (10000, 10) if it's 10-class classification
# and train it, y)
# Done!
Use custom_objects
keyword argument as below.
import keras
import kapre
model = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(kapre.time_frequency.Melspectrogram(512, input_shape=(1, 44100)))
# Now saved, let's load it.
model2 = keras.models.load_model('temp_model.h5',
Please cite this paper if you use Kapre for your work.
title={Kapre: On-GPU Audio Preprocessing Layers for a Quick Implementation of Deep Neural Network Models with Keras},
author={Choi, Keunwoo and Joo, Deokjin and Kim, Juho},
booktitle={Machine Learning for Music Discovery Workshop at 34th International Conference on Machine Learning},
kapre.time_frequency.Spectrogram(n_dft=512, n_hop=None, padding='same',
power_spectrogram=2.0, return_decibel_spectrogram=False,
trainable_kernel=False, image_data_format='default',
Spectrogram layer that outputs spectrogram(s) in 2D image format.
* n_dft: int > 0 [scalar]
- The number of DFT points, presumably power of 2.
- Default: `512`
* n_hop: int > 0 [scalar]
- Hop length between frames in sample, probably <= `n_dft`.
- Default: `None` (`n_dft / 2` is used)
* padding: str, `'same'` or `'valid'`.
- Padding strategies at the ends of signal.
- Default: `'same'`
* power_spectrogram: float [scalar],
- `2.0` to get power-spectrogram, `1.0` to get amplitude-spectrogram.
- Usually `1.0` or `2.0`.
- Default: `2.0`
* return_decibel_spectrogram: bool,
- Whether to return in decibel or not, i.e. returns log10(amplitude spectrogram) if `True`.
- Recommended to use `True`, although it's not by default.
- Default: `False`
* trainable_kernel: bool
- Whether the kernels are trainable or not.
- If `True`, Kernels are initialised with DFT kernels and then trained.
- Default: `False`
* image_data_format: string, `'channels_first'` or `'channels_last'`.
- The returned spectrogram follows this image_data_format strategy.
- If `'default'`, it follows the current Keras session's setting.
- Setting is in `./keras/keras.json`.
- Default: `'default'`
* The input should be a 2D array, `(audio_channel, audio_length)`.
* E.g., `(1, 44100)` for mono signal, `(2, 44100)` for stereo signal.
* It supports multichannel signal input, so `audio_channel` can be any positive integer.
A Keras layer.
* abs(Spectrogram) in a shape of 2D data, i.e.,
* `(None, n_channel, n_freq, n_time)` if `'channels_first'`,
* `(None, n_freq, n_time, n_channel)` if `'channels_last'`,
kapre.time_frequency.Melspectrogram(sr=22050, n_mels=128, fmin=0.0, fmax=None,
power_melgram=1.0, return_decibel_melgram=False,
trainable_fb=False, **kwargs)
Mel-spectrogram layer that outputs mel-spectrogram(s) in 2D image format.
Its base class is Spectrogram
Mel-spectrogram is an efficient representation using the property of human auditory system -- by compressing frequency axis into mel-scale axis.
* sr: integer > 0 [scalar]
- sampling rate of the input audio signal.
- Default: `22050`
* n_mels: int > 0 [scalar]
- The number of mel bands.
- Default: `128`
* fmin: float > 0 [scalar]
- Minimum frequency to include in Mel-spectrogram.
- Default: `0.0`
* fmax: float > `fmin` [scalar]
- Maximum frequency to include in Mel-spectrogram.
- If `None`, it is inferred as `sr / 2`.
- Default: `None`
* power_melgram: float [scalar]
- Power of `2.0` if power-spectrogram,
- `1.0` if amplitude spectrogram.
- Default: `1.0`
* return_decibel_melgram: bool
- Whether to return in decibel or not, i.e. returns log10(amplitude spectrogram) if `True`.
- Recommended to use `True`, although it's not by default.
- Default: `False`
* trainable_fb: bool
- Whether the spectrogram -> mel-spectrogram filterbanks are trainable.
- If `True`, the frequency-to-mel matrix is initialised with mel frequencies but trainable.
- If `False`, it is initialised and then frozen.
- Default: `False`
* **kwargs:
- The keyword arguments of `Spectrogram` such as `n_dft`, `n_hop`,
- `padding`, `trainable_kernel`, `image_data_format`.
* The input should be a 2D array, `(audio_channel, audio_length)`.
E.g., `(1, 44100)` for mono signal, `(2, 44100)` for stereo signal.
* It supports multichannel signal input, so `audio_channel` can be any positive integer.
A Keras layer
* abs(mel-spectrogram) in a shape of 2D data, i.e.,
* `(None, n_channel, n_mels, n_time)` if `'channels_first'`,
* `(None, n_mels, n_time, n_channel)` if `'channels_last'`,
kapre.utils.AmplitudeToDB(amin=1e-10, top_db=80.0, **kwargs)
A layer that converts amplitude to decibel
* amin: float [scalar]
- Noise floor. Default: 1e-10
* top_db: float [scalar]
- Dynamic range of output. Default: 80.0
Adding AmplitudeToDB
after a spectrogram:
, which is the same as:
kapre.utils.Normalization2D(str_axis=None, int_axis=None, image_data_format='default',
eps=1e-10, **kwargs)
A layer that normalises input data in axis
* input_shape: tuple of ints
- E.g., `(None, n_ch, n_row, n_col)` if theano.
* str_axis: str
- used ONLY IF `int_axis` is `None`.
- `'batch'`, `'data_sample'`, `'channel'`, `'freq'`, `'time')`
- Even though it is optional, actually it is recommended to use
- `str_axis` over `int_axis` because it provides more meaningful
- and image data format-robust interface.
* int_axis: int
- axis index that along which mean/std is computed.
- `0` for per data sample, `-1` for per batch.
- `1`, `2`, `3` for channel, row, col (if channels_first)
- if `int_axis is None`, `str_axis` SHOULD BE set.
A frequency-axis normalization after a spectrogram::
python model.add(Spectrogram()) model.add(Normalization2D(str_axis='freq'))
kapre.filterbank.Filterbank(n_fbs, trainable_fb, sr=None, init='mel', fmin=0., fmax=None,
bins_per_octave=12, image_data_format='default', **kwargs)
Input/output are 2D image format.
E.g., if channel_first,
- input_shape: ``(None, n_ch, n_freqs, n_time)``
- output_shape: ``(None, n_ch, n_mels, n_time)``
* n_fbs: int
- Number of filterbanks
* sr: int
- sampling rate. It is used to initialize `freq_to_mel`.
* init: str
- if `'mel'`, init with mel center frequencies and stds.
* fmin: float
- min frequency of filterbanks.
- If `init == 'log'`, fmin should be > 0. Use `None` if you got no idea.
* fmax: float
- max frequency of filterbanks.
- If `init == 'log'`, fmax is ignored.
* trainable_fb: bool,
- Whether the filterbanks are trainable or not.
kapre.augmentation.AdditiveNoise(power=0.1, random_gain=False, noise_type='white', **kwargs)
Add noise to input data and output it.
* power: float [scalar]
- The power of noise. std if it's white noise.
- Default: `0.1`
* random_gain: bool
- Whether the noise gain is random or not.
- If `True`, gain is sampled from `uniform(low=0.0, high=power)` in every batch.
- Default: `False`
* noise_type; str,
- Specify the type of noise. It only supports `'white'` now.
- Default: `white`
Same shape as input data but with additional generated noise.