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import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .branch("main")),

Table of content

Key features


Request types

How to do authorization?

How to retry a request?



Key features

FunNetworking is backed by FunSwift a library to do functional programming in Swift. FunNetworking supports different paradigms, you dont have to use operators or write your code in functional style.

  • Run multiple requests in parallel(Deferred) or in sequence(IO) and merge the result into one.

    • Synchrounous and Asynchrounous operations can be mixed. But you must decide if the whole operation is in sequence or in parallel.
    • Not all operation have to be network requests, one can be reading from disk, another from SQLite and all can bring data to the final result
  • Chain operation/requests

    • Chaining operations can easily be done by using flatMap or the bind operator >>-
  • Built in retryability, want to retry that specific request if it fails, thats easy its actually a oneliner.

    • Retry support with debounce:
      • Linear (every retry will pause n-seconds until next retry)
      • Exponential (every retry will double n-seonds for every retry)

    Retryability has no knowledge about networking at all, it works on the inner structur which can be Optional<T>, Result<T>, Deferred<Either>/Deferred<Result>, IO<Result>/IO<Either> and Reader<Result>. It can be called either by passing a function directly to retry or a curried version.

  • Power of mapping the wrapped value inside the result type

    • mapT - map for the inner type.
    • Deferred and IO has built in support for mapT, which means it can map on the wrapped functors data.
      • Ex IO<Result<Int, Error>> can be mapT(String.init) which produces IO<Result<String, Error>>
  • Cancellation

    • Built in cancellation. Will raise a NetworkError.canceledByUser
  • Built in decoding of JSON-data.

    • Built in easy to use jsonDecoding. Need a more speciliced JSONDecoder configuration? Just inject your own.


FunNetworking is an easy to use network wrapper. Its philosophy is to write logicial flow of network code using monads. My personal view is that network code is often widely spread in a project and it can be really hard to follow and debug. Its often like this: the request is made, there is a callback somewhere, there is a retryability handler that steps in somewhere and you are lost when things doesnt work as you expected. FunNetworking tries to solve these problems by keeping the implementation as close as possible to its usage. In FunNetworking to add retry to your request, you just use a higher order function that will product a new function that handles the retryability, no callbacks or sprinkling of code all over the codebase.

FunNetworking is of course a pun, it stands for both functional and fun. But dont fear, it fits perfectly in a object oriented enviroment as well.

Before you start, you need to import both FunNetworking and Funswift
import FunNetworking
import Funswift

Request types

FunNetworking supports both synchrounous and asynchronous requests with two different types of result wrapped inside the request type. Its backing types is either IO (synchrounous) or Deferred (Asynchrounous).

Asynchrounous Request

Signature Description
requestAsyncR Deferred<Result<A, Error>>
requestAsyncE Deferred<Either<B, A>>

To get the result you need to run the monad.

Example 1: Asynchronous request - requestAsyncR
func ageGuess(from name: String) -> Deferred<Result<AgeGuess, Error>> {
		|>	URL.init(string:)
		>=>	urlRequestWithTimeout(30)
		|>	requestAsyncR
		<&>	decodeJsonData

// Get value
ageGuess("Jane").run { result in 
	// handle result

Synchrounous Request

Signature Description
requestSyncR IO<Result<A, Error>>
requestSyncE IO<Either<B, A>>

To get the result you need to call unsafeRun() which will be block the current thread until its done.

Example 2: Synchronous request - requestSyncR
func ageGuess(from name: String) -> IO<Result<AgeGuess, Error>> {
  	|>	URL.init(string:)
  	>=>	urlRequestWithTimeout(30)
  	|>	requestSyncR
  	<&>	decodeJsonData

let result: Result<AgeGuess, Error> = ageGuess().unsafeRun()
// Handle result

How to do chaining?

We can easily do chaining using flatmap or using the bind operator >>-.

Example of chaining operations
let fetchIpNumber: IO<Either<Error, Host>> = {
		|> URL.init(string:)
		>=> requestWithTimeout(30)
		|> requestSyncE
		<&> decodeJsonData

func ipInfoFrom(_ host: Host) -> IO<Either<Error, IpInfo>> {
		|> URL.init(string:)
		>=> requestWithTimeout(30)
		|> retry(requestSyncE, retries: 3, debounce: .linear(2))
		<&> decodeJsonData

let fetchHostInfo: (Either<Error, Host>) -> IO<Either<Error, IpInfo>> = { 
  result in
	switch result {
	case let .right(host):
		return ipInfoFrom(host)
	case let .left(error):
		return IO { .left(error) }

let ipInfoFetcher = fetchIpNumber >>- fetchHostInfo
  1. fetchIpNumber does a request to fetch the IP-number.

  2. fetchHostInfo takes the result of the first request and creates a new request.

    • fetchIpNumber >>- fetchHostInfo chains them, but you could use flatMap instead

    • fetchIpNumber.flatMap(fetchHostInfo)

How to do authorization?

FunNetworking support three ways of adding authorization (setting the authorization header)

  • Basic Auth - Simple username password. (base64encoded)
  • Bearer Auth.
  • Custom (Supports both custom data and header value fields). If this isn't good enough try using the setHeader/setHeaders
Example 3.1: Add basic authorization
func ageGuessWithBasicAuth(from name: String) -> IO<Result<Data, Error>> {
  	|>	URL.init(string:)
  	>=>	urlRequestWithTimeout(30)
  	|>	authorization(.basic(username: "guest", password: "guest"))
  	|>	requestSyncR

Result from 3.1 - httpHeaders: ["Authorization" : "Basic Z3Vlc3Q6Z3Vlc3Q="]

Example 3.2: Add OAuth authorization
func ageGuessWithOAuth(from name: String) -> IO<Result<Data, Error>> {
  	|>	URL.init(string:)
  	>=>	urlRequestWithTimeout(30)
  	|>	authorization(.bearer("secret-token-123"))
  	|>	requestSyncR

Result from 3.2: httpHeaders: ["Authorization" : "Bearer secret-token-123"]

Example 3.3: Custom
func ageGuessWithOAuth(from name: String) -> IO<Result<Data, Error>> {
  	|>	URL.init(string:)
  	>=>	urlRequestWithTimeout(30)
  	|>	authorization(.custom(field: "CustomField", data: "5-53455345g"))
  	|>	requestSyncR

Result from 3.3: httpHeaders: ["Authorization" : "CustomField 5-53455345g"]

How to retry a request?

To do a retry all you need is to replace: requestAsyncR with retry(requestAsyncR, retries: 3, debounce: .linear(5))

Example 4: Asynchronous request with retry - requestAsyncR
import FunNetworking
import Funswift

func ageGuess(from name: String) -> Deferred<Result<AgeGuess, Error>> {
  	|> 	URL.init(string:)
  	>=>	urlRequesstWithTimeout(30)
  	|>	retry(requestAsyncR, retries: 3, debounce: .linear(5))
  	<&>	decodeJsonData


Debouncing will sleep the thread a period of time before making the same request again. Linear will add n-seconds of sleep until the next retry while exponential will double it sleep time for every retry.

Debounce Description
linear Will wait n seconds until next retry
exponential Will multiply n seconds for every retry


You can either call cancel() directly on Deferred or add requests to a list of AnyCancellableDeferred to cancel all at once. When you're using Zip FunNetworking will automatically cancel all requests in the zip.

import FunNetworking
import Funswift

// Independent requests
let canceable: [AnyCancellableDeferred] = [firstRequest, secondRequest]
canceable.forEach { $0.cancel() }

// zip
zip(firstRequest, secondRequest).cancel()


Operators might seem hard to understand but they add a lot of flexibility and are easy to learn and master.

Operators Name Description
|> Pipe Inject value into function and return the result
>=> Fish (compose) Compose/injection that might fail
<&> Map Transform value/type inside a functor/monad
>>- Bind Flatmap in disquise
<*> Applicative Works like zip but with curry