LondonBike Dataset - complementary code for "Community structures, interactions and dynamics in London's bicycle sharing network"
This repository contains the complementary code for the paper "Community structures, interactions and dynamics in London's bicycle sharing network" (arXiv:1804.05584). This includes the code for data preparation, processing and creation of figures (all done in R) as well as the data analysis (done using Infomap). We also provide the generated network dataset and the output dataset (community assignment) from the community detection analysis. These can be found in the /data/
folder. The network edgelists are also hosted on the Index of Complex Networks at CU Boulder.
Our community detection using the Louvain algorithm, Greedy modularity maximization and Random walks is done with R (v3.4.2) using the igraph
package. These analyses can be found in the /R/
The Infomap community detection is done using version v0.19.3. Instructions on how to run Infomap on your machine can be found here.
Once initialized, we create an output directory:
#create output directory
mkdir outputtest
We then run Infomap with the following settings:
#run infomap (given valid edges.txt input)
./Infomap edges.txt outputtest/ -N 20 --tree --map --directed #--include-self-links if needed
Where the edges.txt
file is either the aggregated OD-matrix /data/edges.txt
or the 1h interval matrices from /data/edges_per_hour/edges{0,...,23}.txt
address = {New York, New York, USA},
author = {Munoz-Mendez, Fernando and Klemmer, Konstantin and Han, Ke and Jarvis, Stephen},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference and 2018 International Symposium on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Wearable Computers - UbiComp '18},
doi = {10.1145/3267305.3274156},
file = {::},
isbn = {9781450359665},
keywords = {Bikesharing,clustering,community detection,spatio-temporal analysis,urban mobility},
pages = {1015--1023},
publisher = {ACM Press},
title = {{Community Structures, Interactions and Dynamics in London's Bicycle Sharing Network}},
url = {},
year = {2018}
Should you have any questions or suggestions regarding this paper, please contact