This project is a mobile application of managing club fee. Club members who manage the fee upload payment histories and receipt images with phone camera. The key feature is that user can choose the way store data of club payment, DB or Blockchain. All club members can browse the histories of payment
이름: 김상윤 학번: ****3092 Email: 역할 : 프론트엔드 구현 및 OCRApi통신 및 기능구현, 서버 구축, DB구축 |
이름: 민태식 학번: ****3106 Email: 역할 : 모임생성, 모임참가, 회비입금 페이지구성 |
이름: 안성열 학번: ****3121 Email: 역할 : 블록체인, 서버, AWS |