Graphic utility used to manipulate objects in 3D for scene editing (commonly called Gizmo).
It's a straightforward and simple Gizmo, all the manipulation is computed in this library while it gives you all the verticies for your renderer; At the end, you'll get a decomposed matrix (three vec3 for translation/rotation/scale).
This library uses only zalgebra and the std
usingnamespace @import("mogwai");
pub fn main () void {
var gizmo = Mogwai(.{
.screen_width = 800,
.screen_height = 600,
.snap_axis = 0.5,
.snap_angle = 5
// Get all vertices for your renderer.
const xy_panel = gizmo.meshes.move_panels.xy;
const yz_panel = gizmo.meshes.move_panels.yz
// See
// for all meshes.
// Mode is an enum containing all different modes
// for the gizmo (move, rotate, scale, none).
var gizmo_mode = Mode.Move;
while(true) {
// After pulling cursor state and positions:
gizmo.setCursor(pos_x, pos_y, is_pressed);
// After updating the view matrix (camera moving...).
gizmo.setCamera(view, proj);
// You just have to pass a mode and the model matrix from the
// selected object from your scene.
if (gizmo.manipulate(target_model_matrix, gizmo_mode)) |result| {
switch (result.mode) {
Mode.Move => {
target.transform.position = result.position;
Mode.Rotate => {
target.transform.rotation = result.rotation.extractRotation();
Mode.Scale => {
target.transform.scale = result.scale;
else => {},
// Draw all the meshes
your_renderer.draw(&yz_panel, gizmo.is_hover(GizmoItem.PanelYZ));
See for a real exemple.
Field | Type | Description |
screen_width | i32 | Width of the screen (required) |
screen_height | i32 | Height of the screen (required) |
dpi | i32 | Pixel ratio of your monitor |
snap | ?f32 | Snap when dragging gizmo, value is equals to floor factor |
arcball_radius | f32 | Radius of the rotation circles |
arcball_thickness | f32 | Width of the rotation circle borders |
panel_size | f32 | The width/height of panels |
panel_offset | f32 | Offset of the panels from the origin position |
panel_width | f32 | Plans width for panels |
axis_length | f32 | Length of arrows |
axis_size | f32 | The width/height of arrows |
scale_box_size | f32 | Size of the scaler boxes |
Don’t be shy about shooting any questions you may have. If you are a beginner/junior, don’t hesitate, I will always encourage you. It’s a safe place here. Also, I would be very happy to receive any kind of pull requests, you will have (at least) some feedback/guidance rapidly.
Behind screens, there are human beings, living any sort of story. So be always kind and respectful, because we all sheer to learn new things.