Yet another X Screensaver/Locker
Arch Linux: AUR
Arch Linux (Precompiled version): AUR
To build this yourself:
git clone
gcc [options] scrnsvr.c -o scrnsvr -lXss -lX11 -lpthread
#to enable full RELRO:
# gcc -g -O0 -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now [options] scrnsvr.c -o scrnsvr -lXss -lX11 -lpthread
Usage: scrnsvr [OPTIONS]
--help Shows this help
-t [timeout] Time in seconds before [saver] gets activated (default: 120)
-a [timeout] Time in seconds before [locker] gets activated AFTER [saver] has been activated (default: 30)
-s [timeout] Time in seconds before [blanker] gets activated (default: 180)
-r [saver] (REQUIRED) Screensaver (e.g. an xscreensaver module)
-l [locker] (REQUIRED) Program that locks your screen
-b [blanker] (REQUIRED) Program that blanks/sets your screen off
-w [list] Space-separated case-insensitive list of windows titles which inhibit the screensaver (added to: youtube vlc mpv vimeo 'picture in picture')
-n Disables 'Saving in ~n secs' notifications
-c [notifier] Command used to send notifications (if -n is NOT specified) (not uses different levels)
-c1 [notifier] Command used to send notifications when there is 1 second left(if -n is NOT specified)
-c2 [notifier] Command used to send notifications when there is 2 second left(if -n is NOT specified)
-c3 [notifier] Command used to send notifications when there is 3 second left(if -n is NOT specified)
-c4 [notifier] Command used to send notifications when there is 4 second left(if -n is NOT specified)
-c5 [notifier] Command used to send notifications when there is 5 second left(if -n is NOT specified)
-x Executes until the loop (without entering it) and exits
-v Prints selected options (even if defaulted)
-d Shows debug info (Use -D,-u,-U for more levels of debugging)