A Language Server for the latest version(s) of Jedi. If using Neovim/Vim, we recommend using with coc-jedi. Supports Python versions 3.7 and newer.
Note: this tool is actively used by its primary author. He's happy to review pull requests / respond to issues you may discover.
Some frameworks, like coc-jedi and vscode-python, will install and manage jedi-language-server for you. If you're setting up manually, you can run the following from your command line (bash / zsh):
pip install -U jedi-language-server
Alternatively (and preferably), use pipx to keep jedi-language-server and its dependencies isolated from your other Python dependencies. Don't worry, jedi is smart enough to figure out which Virtual environment you're currently using!
jedi-language-server aims to support Jedi's capabilities and expose them through the Language Server Protocol. It supports the following Language Server capabilities:
- completionItem/resolve
- textDocument/codeAction (refactor.inline, refactor.extract)
- textDocument/completion
- textDocument/definition
- textDocument/documentHighlight
- textDocument/documentSymbol
- textDocument/typeDefinition
- textDocument/hover
- textDocument/publishDiagnostics
- textDocument/references
- textDocument/rename
- textDocument/signatureHelp
- workspace/symbol
The following instructions show how to use jedi-language-server with your development tooling. The instructions assume you have already installed jedi-language-server.
Users may choose 1 of the following options:
- coc.nvim with coc-jedi.
- ALE.
- Neovim's native LSP client. See here for an example configuration.
- vim-lsp.
Note: this list is non-exhaustive. If you know of a great choice not included in this list, please submit a PR!
Users may choose one of the following options:
Note: this list is non-exhaustive. If you know of a great choice not included in this list, please submit a PR!
Starting from the October 2021 release, set the python.languageServer
setting to Jedi
to use jedi-language-server.
Note: This does not support Python 2.7.
jedi-language-server can be run directly from the command line.
$ jedi-language-server --help
usage: jedi-language-server [-h] [--version] [--tcp] [--ws] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-v]
Jedi language server: an LSP wrapper for jedi.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version display version information and exit
--tcp use TCP web server instead of stdio
--ws use web socket server instead of stdio
--host HOST host for web server (default
--port PORT port for web server (default 2087)
--log-file LOG_FILE redirect logs to file specified
-v, --verbose increase verbosity of log output
Run over stdio : jedi-language-server
Run over tcp : jedi-language-server --tcp
Run over websockets:
# only need to pip install once per env
pip install pygls[ws]
jedi-language-server --ws
For use with web sockets, user must first run
'pip install pygls[ws]' to install the correct
version of the websockets library.
If testing sending requests over stdio manually from the command line, you must include Windows-style line endings: \r\n
. For an example, from within this project, run the following:
$ jedi-language-server < ./example-initialization-request.txt
INFO:pygls.server:Starting IO server
INFO:pygls.feature_manager:Registered "textDocument/didOpen" with options "None"
INFO:pygls.feature_manager:Registered "textDocument/didChange" with options "None"
INFO:pygls.feature_manager:Registered "textDocument/didSave" with options "None"
INFO:pygls.feature_manager:Registered "textDocument/hover" with options "None"
INFO:pygls.protocol:Language server initialized work_done_token=None process_id=None root_uri='file:///home/ubuntu/artifacts/' capabilities=ClientCapabilities(workspace=WorkspaceClientCapabilities(apply_edit=None, workspace_edit=None, did_change_configuration=DidChangeConfigurationClientCapabilities(dynamic_registration=True), did_change_watched_files=None, symbol=None, execute_command=None, workspace_folders=None, configuration=None, semantic_tokens=None, code_lens=None, file_operations=None), text_document=TextDocumentClientCapabilities(synchronization=TextDocumentSyncClientCapabilities(dynamic_registration=True, will_save=False, will_save_wait_until=False, did_save=False), completion=CompletionClientCapabilities(dynamic_registration=True, completion_item=CompletionItemClientCapabilities(snippet_support=False, commit_characters_support=True, documentation_format=[<MarkupKind.PlainText: 'plaintext'>, <MarkupKind.Markdown: 'markdown'>], deprecated_support=False, preselect_support=False, tag_support=None, insert_replace_support=None, resolve_support=None, insert_text_mode_support=None), completion_item_kind=None, context_support=False), hover=HoverClientCapabilities(dynamic_registration=True, content_format=[<MarkupKind.PlainText: 'plaintext'>, <MarkupKind.Markdown: 'markdown'>]), signature_help=SignatureHelpClientCapabilities(dynamic_registration=True, signature_information=SignatureHelpInformationClientCapabilities(documentation_format=[<MarkupKind.PlainText: 'plaintext'>, <MarkupKind.Markdown: 'markdown'>], parameter_information=None, active_parameter_support=None), context_support=None), declaration=DeclarationClientCapabilities(dynamic_registration=True, link_support=True), definition=DefinitionClientCapabilities(dynamic_registration=True, link_support=True), type_definition=TypeDefinitionClientCapabilities(dynamic_registration=True, link_support=True), implementation=ImplementationClientCapabilities(dynamic_registration=True, link_support=True), references=None, document_highlight=None, document_symbol=None, code_action=None, code_lens=None, document_link=None, color_provider=None, formatting=None, range_formatting=None, on_type_formatting=None, rename=None, publish_diagnostics=None, folding_range=None, selection_range=None, linked_editing_range=None, call_hierarchy=None, semantic_tokens=None, moniker=None), window=None, general=None, experimental=None) client_info=None locale=None root_path=None initialization_options=None trace=None workspace_folders=None
INFO:pygls.protocol:Sending data: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "result": {"capabilities": {"textDocumentSync": {"openClose": true, "change": 2, "willSave": false, "willSaveWaitUntil": false, "save": true}, "completionProvider": {"triggerCharacters": [".", "'", "\""], "resolveProvider": true}, "hoverProvider": true, "signatureHelpProvider": {"triggerCharacters": ["(", ","]}, "definitionProvider": true, "referencesProvider": true, "documentHighlightProvider": true, "documentSymbolProvider": true, "codeActionProvider": {"codeActionKinds": ["refactor.inline", "refactor.extract"]}, "renameProvider": true, "executeCommandProvider": {"commands": []}, "workspaceSymbolProvider": true, "workspace": {"workspaceFolders": {"supported": true, "changeNotifications": true}, "fileOperations": {}}}}}
Content-Length: 758
Content-Type: application/vscode-jsonrpc; charset=utf-8
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "result": {"capabilities": {"textDocumentSync": {"openClose": true, "change": 2, "willSave": false, "willSaveWaitUntil": false, "save": true}, "completionProvider": {"triggerCharacters": [".", "'", "\""], "resolveProvider": true}, "hoverProvider": true, "signatureHelpProvider": {"triggerCharacters": ["(", ","]}, "definitionProvider": true, "referencesProvider": true, "documentHighlightProvider": true, "documentSymbolProvider": true, "codeActionProvider": {"codeActionKinds": ["refactor.inline", "refactor.extract"]}, "renameProvider": true, "executeCommandProvider": {"commands": []}, "workspaceSymbolProvider": true, "workspace": {"workspaceFolders": {"supported": true, "changeNotifications": true}, "fileOperations": {}}}}}INFO:pygls.server:Shutting down the server
INFO:pygls.server:Closing the event loop.
If testing interactively, be sure to manually insert carriage returns. Although this may differ between shell environments, within most bash terminals, you can explicitly insert the required line endings by typing <C-v><C-m>
, which will insert a ^M
. See:
$ jedi-language-server 2>logs
Content-Length: 1062^M
Content-Length: 758
Content-Type: application/vscode-jsonrpc; charset=utf-8
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "result": {"capabilities": {"textDocumentSync": {"openClose": true, "change": 2, "willSave": false, "willSaveWaitUntil": false, "save": true}, "completionProvider": {"triggerCharacters": [".", "'", "\""], "resolveProvider": true}, "hoverProvider": true, "signatureHelpProvider": {"triggerCharacters": ["(", ","]}, "definitionProvider": true, "referencesProvider": true, "documentHighlightProvider": true, "documentSymbolProvider": true, "codeActionProvider": {"codeActionKinds": ["refactor.inline", "refactor.extract"]}, "renameProvider": true, "executeCommandProvider": {"commands": []}, "workspaceSymbolProvider": true, "workspace": {"workspaceFolders": {"supported": true, "changeNotifications": true}, "fileOperations": {}}}}}
We recommend using coc-jedi and following its configuration instructions.
If you are configuring manually, jedi-language-server supports the following initializationOptions:
"initializationOptions": {
"codeAction": {
"nameExtractVariable": "jls_extract_var",
"nameExtractFunction": "jls_extract_def"
"completion": {
"disableSnippets": false,
"resolveEagerly": false,
"ignorePatterns": []
"diagnostics": {
"enable": false,
"didOpen": true,
"didChange": true,
"didSave": true
"hover": {
"enable": true,
"disable": {
"class": { "all": false, "names": [], "fullNames": [] },
"function": { "all": false, "names": [], "fullNames": [] },
"instance": { "all": false, "names": [], "fullNames": [] },
"keyword": { "all": false, "names": [], "fullNames": [] },
"module": { "all": false, "names": [], "fullNames": [] },
"param": { "all": false, "names": [], "fullNames": [] },
"path": { "all": false, "names": [], "fullNames": [] },
"property": { "all": false, "names": [], "fullNames": [] },
"statement": { "all": false, "names": [], "fullNames": [] }
"jediSettings": {
"autoImportModules": [],
"caseInsensitiveCompletion": true,
"debug": false
"markupKindPreferred": "markdown",
"workspace": {
"extraPaths": [],
"environmentPath": "/path/to/venv/bin/python",
"symbols": {
"ignoreFolders": [".nox", ".tox", ".venv", "__pycache__", "venv"],
"maxSymbols": 20
See coc-jedi's configuration instructions for an explanation of the above configurations.
Diagnostics are provided by Python's built-in compile
If you would like additional diagnostics (from pylint, mypy, etc.), we recommend using the powerful diagnostic-language-server.
Again, we recommend that you use diagnostic-language-server. It also supports code formatting.
To build and run this project from source:
Install the following tools manually:
Fork this repository and clone the fork to your development machine:
git clone https://github.com/<YOUR-USERNAME>/jedi-language-server
cd jedi-language-server
make setup
make test
Palantir's python-language-server inspired this project. In fact, for consistency's sake, many of python-language-server's CLI options are used as-is in jedi-language-server.
Unlike python-language-server, jedi-language-server:
- Uses pygls instead of creating its own low-level Language Server Protocol bindings
- Supports one powerful 3rd party static analysis / completion / refactoring library: Jedi. By only supporting Jedi, we can focus on supporting all Jedi features without exposing ourselves to too many broken 3rd party dependencies (I'm looking at you, rope).
- Is supremely simple because of its scope constraints. Leave complexity to the Jedi master. If the force is strong with you, please submit a PR!