Primary instance is available at
Install just :
Then enter just
to see the list of available recipes.
The app requires:
- A
GitHub app (1) that users will install to grant permissions for reading their repositories.
This GitHub app (1) also allows for the reception of webhook events to follow what is happening on the users side ( push of new code for example).
This GitHub app (1) should have the following permissions:- Repository > Actions: Read-only
- Repository > Contents: Read-only
- Repository > Issues: Read and write
- Repository > Metadata: Read-only
- A more confidential GitHub app (2) installed on the runner repository to grant permission to trigger workflow runs.
This GitHub app (1) should have the following permissions:- Repository > Actions: Read and write
- Repository > Contents: Read-only
- Repository > Metadata: Read-only
The app in itself have the following configuration parameters:
Name | Description | Example | |
BASE_URL | Required | Used to compute callback urls (such as the one for oauth2 web flow) | http://localhost:8000 |
FIRST_ADMIN | Optional | Provider login of the user to set admin on first connection | http://localhost:8000 |
COOKIE_SECRET_KEY | Optional (defaults to a random one) | Use to cypher private cookies | |
GITHUB_APP_ID | Required | ID of the GitHub app (1) | 12345 |
GITHUB_APP_NAME | Required | Name of the GitHub app (1) | Korekto |
GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ID | Required | Client ID of the GitHub app (1) | Abd.YTGB4541hj |
GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_SECRET | Required | Client Secret of the GitHub app (1) | ad45f12ccb5687 |
GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY | Required | Private Key of the GitHub app (1) | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- (...) |
GITHUB_APP_WEBHOOK_SECRET | Required | Secret needed to verify GitHub app (1) webhooks origin | ad45f12ccb5687 |
GITHUB_RUNNER_APP_ID | Required | ID of the GitHub app (2) | 12345 |
GITHUB_RUNNER_APP_PRIVATE_KEY | Required | Private Key of the GitHub app (2) | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- (...) |
GITHUB_RUNNER_REPO_SLUG | Required | GitHub repository slug hosting the grading job | some_org/some_repo |
GITHUB_RUNNER_INSTALLATION_ID | Required | Installation ID of the GitHub app (2) on the runner repository | 12345678 |
GITHUB_RUNNER_CALLBACK_URL_OVERRIDE | Optional (defaults to $BASE_URL) | Used to compute callback urls for runner jobs | |
GITHUB_RUNNER_WORKFLOW_ID | Optional (defaults to grade.yml) | Name of the workflow to trigger for grading a user assignment | something.yml |
GITHUB_CLIENT_CACHE_SIZE | Optional (defaults to 50) | Size of the LRU cache hosting GitHub client instances | 20 |
SCHEDULER_INTERVAL_IN_SECS | Optional (defaults to 15) | Interval between scheduler jobs | 20 |
MIN_GRADING_INTERVAL_IN_SECS | Optional (defaults to 20 * 60) | Minimum interval between two gradings of the same assignment of the same user | 1800 |
GRADING_ORDERED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS | Optional (defaults to 5 * 60) | Duration after which an ORDERED grading job with no received STARTED event times out |
180 |
GRADING_STARTED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS | Optional (defaults to 15 * 60) | Duration after which a STARTED grading job with no received COMPLETED event times out |
600 |
MAX_PARALLEL_GRADINGS | Optional (defaults to 3) | Maximum parallel grading jobs running in the Github runner |
This is a Rust project, using Docker for the PostgresSQL instance, and Shuttle as IFC environment.
Install Rust and its ecosystem if you have not already
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Install Docker
Install Node (needed for building the frontend & using smee)
curl | bash
cf install node@20
Install Just
cargo install just
Install Shuttle
cargo install cargo-shuttle
Clone and build
git clone
git clone
cd korekto-shuttle
Create and fill the
file with expected configuration parameters, see docs -
Start smee for GitHub and runner webhooks
just install-smee
just start-smee-gh
just start-smee-runner
Start the app
clear && just run
- Create an account on shuttle
- Create a file
with the content:
name = "my-project-name"
# Create the project in your Shuttle account
cargo shuttle init --name "my-project-name" --create-env --no-git
# Deploy
cargo shuttle deploy
Check the running service at
Get an installation token for a user, then
git clone repo_owner