This model simulates the growth of the SEI (Solid Electrolyte Interphase) on a non-intercalating anode (in this case, tungsten).
The model is built upon the capabilities in the Cantera software suite, which facilitates incorporating chemical complexity in an efficient, theoretically-robust manner.
The model incorporates the following phenomena: -Charge transfer reactions at the tungsten-electrolyte, tungsten-SEI and SEI-electrolyte interfaces. -Capacitive double layer charging at the tungsten-electrolyte, tungsten-SEI and SEI-electrolyte interfaces. -Diffusion and migration of charged and uncharged species within the electrolyte and SEI.
The model is written in python, and makes use of several python modules, which you will need to download before running the model. See the header for the file
for a list of these modules. We highly recommend using Conda to manage the various dependencies.
To run the model, simply download the files in this directory, install the necessary dependencies, alter the input parameters as desired, and then run from a command line via the command:
You can also run the same file from any number of python-baseed IDEs.