I've been working as a Qt software development on a regular basis for some time. Due to my passion for Qt technology and the eternal hunger to realise next projects I've started the Scythe Studio company - the software house specialized in Qt framework.
Now we are nearly 20 people and I do not code that much due to other responsibilities. However, I have more time now to work on oepn source projects and to createconent for the community.
Scythe Studio is an official Qt Service Partner and a provider of Qt Software Development services including:
- Desktop applications development
- Mobile applications development
- Embedded systems development
- Qt and C++ consulting
- UI/UX designing
I am the main programmer and maintainer of SCodes - Qt & Qml wrapper for ZXing library. This library allows you to easily scan and generate 1D and 2D barcodes in your Qt and Qml applications.
I believe that community input is crucial for future of the Qt framework. Therefore I contribute to the Qt repository. List of my changes to Qt project
In this blog post I've described changes that we (in Scythe Studio) have done to Qt Charts in Qt 6.2.