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kosiu edited this page Apr 20, 2015 · 2 revisions


This is my very first program in Java! It’s Android application which allows you sending signals to [ Lirc] server through WiFi network.

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Lirc server installation

Install package *lirc* for example by running command:

sudo apt-get install lirc lirc-x

Now since server is installed, it's time to enable and configure it. You can do it by edit file:


and change line:



REMOTE_LIRCD_ARGS="--allow-simulate --listen"





it will enable sending simulate signals like android app do, and enable listening on TCP socket. Now you can copy your favorite pilot configuration file or you can use my file which is in doc directory or compressed examples file in download section (eg.):

sudo cp doc/lircd.conf /etc/lirc/lircd.conf

Lirc client instalation

On kubuntu you can install:

sudo apt-get install kdelirc

this will add configuration window in kde system settings (input devices section). You can configure it manually or copy those example files:

cp lircrc           ~/.lircrc            #lirc client conf
cp kremotecontrolrc ~/.kde/share/config  #kde config
cp irxevent.desktop ~/.kde/Autostart     #add irxevent to autostart

Android instalation

Download apk file and install, then you can copy file android.config from example.tgz to phone SD card and import it from android app. Enyoy!