Author: Karol Koś
Application is composed of three main components:
- A React frontend application
- An ASP.NET Core backend application
- A PostgreSQL database
All components are containerized and run within Docker.
To build and run the project using Docker, execute the following command:
docker compose -f docker-compose-example.yml -p hdbs_example up -d --build
To access it use http://localhost:5173/
This command will build the necessary Docker images and start the containers in detached mode.
To stop and remove all containers, networks, and volumes associated with this project, use:
docker compose -f docker-compose-example.yml -p hdbs_example down -v
Use the following credentials to access the admin panel:
- Email:
- Password:
Other users (non administrative users) need to be added manually via register option.
Important view and usage differs if we log in as user or as administrator
When hovering over a day in the calendar in the admin view, show information about the reservation owner. In the user view, no information will be displayed.