A collection of patches for the Opera 12.15 source code, feel free to make a pull request if you have anything to add or fix.
If you have any issues with Opera 12.15 please make a report on the openopera-issues project, or if you have problems with a patch please visit the issue tracker here.
You're also welcome to join the OpenOpera IRC: http://site.anonnet.org/webirc/openopera
Or join #openopera on crowley.anonnet.org:6697
- FalseNullFix.patch: patch to fix some FALSE->NULL errors
- VP9Fix.patch: VP9 support patch (requires libvpx-1.3.0 (exactly)), no Windows support atm.
- DisableClickToActivate.patch: disables "Click to activate" on Flash applets
- LoadImagesParser.patch: TWEAK_LOGDOC_LOAD_IMAGES_FROM_PARSER turned into two preferences
- LinuxBuildFix.patch: fixes some build issues on Linux
- LinuxReleaseFix.patch: makes Linux release builds more stable
- JSExecutionFix.patch: patch to fix javascript execution errors when building with modern compilers (g++ 5.x+)
- PiInstructions.txt: instructions on building for Raspberry Pi
- PiFixes.patch: patches for building on Raspberry Pi
- ArmFixes.patch: patches for building for ARM platform (needed for Pi)
- freebsd-11-gcc6.patch: FreeBSD compiling patch by kandeshvari, source
- FixFreeType.patch: Fix building against system version of libfreetype with newer versions of the FreeType API
- VSInstructions.md: guide for building with VS2010 and VS2015 (you should also read the alt version below)
- VSInstructionsAlt.txt: translated instructions provided by RedCatX, source
- VS2015Fix.patch: patch for building on VS2015
- gst-opera_instructions.txt: guide for cloning the broken gst-opera repo into a working state
- gst-opera_clone.bat: batch script to clone the broken gst-opera repo (requires wget & git for Windows)
- gst-opera_clone.sh: shell script to clone the broken gst-opera repo (requires wget & git)
- gst-opera_opensource.opera.com.zip: all the gst-opera repos, already cloned and zipped, with small edits for VS2015 support (external download)