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Rate my desktop



Rate-my-desktop is a website where users can post screenshots of their desktop and other users can rate them. It also contains a commenting functionality.

As this is a final exercise of a course at Haaga-Helia university of applied sciences, it has some restrictions on the technologies chosen. (similar description in English)

Project has to be done using Spring Boot and webpages have to be rendered using Thymeleaf. I think there is some freedom on database selection, but I am going for MariaDB. I will publish this service using Docker and I will use CI-tools from Github.

User stories

id description status
1 As a user, I want to be able to create account without handing personal information as I want to be sure of how my information is stored done
2 As a user, I want to be able to post my screenshot to the site to get comments about it done
3 As a user, I want to be able to easily find my screenshots to see their ratings and read their comments. done
4 As a user, I want to be able to comments other peoples screenshots so they can read what I like about them (or don't like about them). done
5 As a user, I want to be able to change my account name and password in case I think my password is compromised done
6 As a user, I want to be able to delete screenshots I've uploaded in case I accidentally upload wrong pic or notice something I don't want others to see in it. done
7 As a user, I want others to be able to rate my screenshot so I know it it's cool or not done
8 As an admin, I want to be able to delete screenshots in case there is something inappropriate in it. done
9 As an admin, I want to be able to delete individual comments in case there is something inappropriate in it. done
10 As an admin, I want to be able to lock accounts in case they keep on harrassing others


Since this is a backend-course, the frontend is kept quite simple.



Database relation model: Relationmodel.svg


Users are stored in this table. No additional data is gathered (like email, real name etc.)

Field Type Description
userID int PK id of the user
levelID int FK what is the level of the user (locked/user/admin/etc.). Refers to UserLevel
username varchar(100) username for the user
password varchar(200) password for the user


This table contains different access levels the users might have

Field Type Description
levelID int PK id of the level
name varchar(100) a clear text name for the level (seen in profile)
value varchar(100) a value used in the code (like 'ADMIN' or 'USER')


This is the table used to store screenshots. Actual images are stored on disk, but this table contains a filename for finding the correct file.

Field Type Description
screenshotID int PK id for the screenshot
userID int FK used for finding the owner of the screenshot. Refers to User
screenshot_name varchar(100) Give a kewl name for your screenshot
filename varchar(100) A generated name used for accessing the file from disc.


This table stores comments posted on screenshots.

Field Type Description
commentID int PK id for the comment
screenshotID int FK id for the screenshot
userID int FK id for the user who posted the comment
comment varchar(255) the actual comment shown on the page
timestamp datetime date & time when the comment was posted


This table contains the ratings for the screenshots.

Field Type Description
ratingID int PK id for the rating
screenshotID int FK id for the screenshot
userID int FK id for the user who gave the rating
rating int the actual value given for the screenshot (1-5)


We use JUnit-tests for unit testing. Github Actions is used for automatic tests on Main-branch.

JUnit tests

Junit tests will include the following:

  1. Smoketests for all controllers.
  2. Basic rendering tests for WebController that renders all Thymeleaf-templates.
  3. Tests for all Jpa Repositories.

Manual testcases

Other tests include following testcases:


  1. User goes to /.
  2. User click Register.
  3. User hands out empty username and valid password twice.
    • User is returned to registration form and page warns of invalid username
  4. User enters a used username and valid password twice.
    • User is returned to registration form and page warns of invalid username
  5. User enters valid and non-taken username and two different passwords.
    • User is returned to registration form and page warns of non-matching passwords.
  6. User enters valid username and valid passwords.
    • User is returned to login-page.

Change password

  1. User goes to /.
  2. User clicks Login.
  3. User enters username and password.
  4. User clicks his/her username.
    • Profile-page is displayed.
  5. User enters his/her password correctly and a new password twice correctly.
    • User is returned to profile-page and message tells password is changed.
  6. User clicks Logout.
  7. User clicks Login.
  8. User uses new password to login.
    • User is logged in succesfully.

Upload screenshot

  1. Let's assume user is logged in and Profile-page is displayed.
  2. User chooses an image-file (jpeg or png).
  3. User gives the screenshot a valid name.
  4. User click Upload.
    • Message tells image is saved and screenshot with the given name is added to list at the bottom of the page.


Here is the list of REST endpoints. Base url for api is: /api


Each endpoint will hand out information about a screenshot. There is also an endpoint to list ALL screenshots, should someone want to use that.

Method Path Access Description
GET /screenshots/random Open Gives random screenshot information from database
GET /screenshots/:id Open Gives information for the screenshot with given id
GET /screenshots Open Lists all screenshots
DELETE /screenshots/:id Admin, Owner Deletes screenshots with given id


These endpoints are used to handle comments of screenshots.

Method Path Access Description
GET /comments/:id User Get all comments for screenshot with id
POST /comments/:id User Add comment to screenshot with id
DELETE /comments/:id Admin Delete comment with id, only available for admin


These endpoints are used to handle rating of screenshots.

Method Path Access Description
GET /ratings/:id User Get current rating of screenshot with id
GET /ratings/rate/:id?newValue=:value User Rate a screenshot with id


This endpoint will allow current user to modify his/her settings.

Method Path Access Description
GET /user User Give (current users) username
GET /user/screenshots User List (current)users screenshots
PUT /user User Update profile (username & password)


This endpoint is mainly for administrative user. It allows admin to delete accounts. (This endpoint might be left out from final product)

Method Path Access Description
DELETE /users/:id Admin Allows Admin-level users to delete other accounts


As said, frontend is done with Thymeleaf templates. Alot of frontend functionality is done using (Vanilla) Javascript. Vanilla, because it's much faster to hack together some kind of frontend to test the backend. Again: this is backend-course, I glued together the frontend in an hour or so.

Frontend paths

path access description
/ open displays a random screenshot, logged in users can rate & see comments
/:id login required displays screenshot with given :id and allows rating & commenting
/register open allows creation of an account
/login open allows user to login
/logout open allows user to logout
/profile login required allows changing password and uploading/deleting screenshots
/pics/:id open screenshot image for screenshot with :id



You need to have Docker installed and also you need to have Docker Compose. You will need git to fetch sources in steps below.


Option 1

This option allows you to run the server using existing MySQL/MariaDB database. This is useful, if you are already running a database server on your network and don't want another instance of MariaDB running.

Step 1 - Clone git-repository

git clone

Step 2 - Modify settings

Edit file src/main/resources/ and set spring.datasource.url with your database hostname (eg. localhost). Create database called RMD in your MySQL/MariaDB. Also set username & password with an account that has full access to database named RMD.

Step 3 - Build app

Run command: docker build -t rate-my-desktop .

Step 4 - Create directory

Create directory for screenshot uploads: mkdir screenshots

And give the app permission to the directory: chown 10100 screenshots

Step 5 - Start app

Run command: docker run -d -v "$(pwd)/screenshots:/usr/app/pics/" -p 80:8080 rate-my-desktop


On first run the app created admin account with password admin1. Login with admin using password admin1 and change the password. Now you are done!

Option 2

This will handle database, so you don't have to worry about it your self.

Step 1 - Clone git-repository

git clone

Step 2 - Modify settings

Edit file docker-compose.yml. You will find line - 80:8080. Change the first 80 with the port you want to use for the app.

Step 3 - Create directories

mkdir screenshots

mkdir mariadb

chown 10100 screenshots

Step 4 - Run app

docker-compose up


On first run the app created admin account with password admin1. Login with admin using password admin1 and change the password. Now you are done!

Live demo

Live demo can be found at:


Haaga-Helia Palvelinohjelmointikurssin lopputyö






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