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Santa's own CRM



This repository contains a customer relationship manager for Santa. It was written as an Full Stack Open project as a part of Full Stack Open -course. A course held by University of Helsinki. This project is mostly to showcase my skills with Node.js and React. As I have no previous experience on building full stack -apps, planning of this app is mostly guided by my uncertainty.

Other documents

document description API documentation Contains specs for the app. Includes latest relational models of the database and user stories that are used to decide content of sprints. Contains sprints, time spend on each sprint, sprint goals and what else was achieved during each sprint (extras). Spend hours are recorded by individual sprints. Contains a guide on how to use the app (once it's running). 🎉 Contains links to live-demo, some useful information for reviewing the assignment and some reflection on learning. IN FINNISH! 🎉


This repository contains three directories: server, client and e2e. They contain the following code for this project:

  • server:
    • contains the api-code and is capable to serve compiled frontend
  • client:
    • contains the frontend code and can be compiled and then served by the backend
  • e2e:
    • contains e2e tests written using Cypress
[master] this is the production version - it's updated trough pull requests from [release]
-> [release] this is a release candidate that has passed all the tests. It will automaticly be deployed to Heroku for live demo
  -> [develop] this branch is where I develop the project or where feature-branches are merged. Once working, it can be merged to [release]
    -> [feature-branches] new features will be developed in their own brances and merged to [develop] once ready for it. 


Testing includes Unit-tests, integration tests and end-to-end tests. We also use Eslint to enhance code readability.

Automatic tests by branches:

  • master
    • lint, unit-tests, integration-tests, e2e-tests
  • release
    • lint, unit-tests, integration-tests, e2e-tests
  • develop
    • lint, unit/integration-tests


Tests include unit-tests for functions used around application and integration tests that concentrate on testing api-functionality. I will not write separate tests for services, since controllers rely on services and testing services would basically just lead to douple-testing them.


Tests include unit-tests and while some tests might test multiple components and dependencies at once, they do not require backend.


Cypress tests. Requires running instance of the whole app. App has to be running in dev- or test-mode so that database can be reset and re-populated during tests.

Running the app

Latest Release candidate is running in Heroku. It's running with the following configuration:




  • Docker
  • Docker-Compose

Clone the repository and run npm install --prefix server and npm install --prefix client in repository root. After all dependencies are installed, you can start the app in development mode by running command docker-compose -f up. Modifications to server and client force them to reload automatically. App can be accessed from http://localhost:3000.



  • Docker
  • Docker-compose

Clone repository and run npm install --prefix server and npm install --prefix client in repository root. After dependencies are installed, you can start tests by running command docker-compose -f test.docker-compose.yml up. This will run unit and integration tests on the backend and frontend. You'll see the list of passed tests in the console.

To run e2e tests, do the following: npm install --prefix server and npm install --prefix client. Run docker-compose -f e2e.docker-compose.yml up. Once App is running, you can run run command npm run cypress:open inside folder e2e and you'll see Cypress window with list of e2e-tests. You can run individual tests by choosing the test. To run all tests on console run command npm run e2e inside e2e folder.



  • Docker Recommends:
  • Docker-compose

We recommend to download docker-compose.yml and use it as base for running the server. You can adjust postgres settings by choosing different username & password and different path for database in 'volumes' section of docker-compose.yml. Also choose a valid SECRET in Santas CRM environment. It is used to sign tokens, so it should be long enough to be safe. Also make sure DATABASE_URL matches your postgres settings. Finally choose the port you want to use for running the app. For more options in enviromental variables, take a look at enviromental variables section.

Finally make sure you have correct tag after the image name. For example image: kosvi/santas_own_crm:2022-02-27 where the tag is the publish date.

Once docker-compose.yml is configured, run it with command: docker-compose up -d

Live production instance is running here

By default, only admin user is added with username set to 'admin' and password set to 'password'. Admin will have read & write permissions to groups and permissions. Login as admin, add full permissions to admin group and change admins password!

Enviromental variables



Variable Description default
PORT Used to choose the port where the server binds. 3001
NODE_ENV Chooses what mode is used to run the server. Options: production | develop | test production
DATABASE_URL Url where the database is accessible. Format: postgres://<user>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database> must be set
POSTGRES_SSL If SSL is required to connect to database, set this to true false
SECRET Used for signing JWT. must be set

NODE_ENV differences:

feature production develop test
/api/reset available false true true
logger logs to console false true false
Sequelize logs sql-queries to console false true false
Umzug logs migrations to console false true false
Umzug allows reverting migrations false true true

Check Api documentation for /api/reset for more information. It will give more information about default data that can be used for writing tests etc.



Variable Description default
REACT_APP_API_BASE Used as prefix for all api-queries /api
REACT_APP_LOGGING Defines if logging is enabled or not false
REACT_APP_NOTIFICATION_DELAY Defines the time a notification is displayed in milliseconds 5000
REACT_APP_FAKED_API_DELAY This would have no place in real production product. But it can be used to showcase caching. 0
HOST Needed when app is run in docker-compose while developing -
WDS_SOCKET_HOST Needed when app is run in docker-compose while developing -



Variable Description default
CYPRESS_WEB_BASE Used as base url when making requests to app during tests. -


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