Helper to incrementally produce worldwide vector tiles for OSM with OpenMapTiles.
If you do not care about self-hosting you should probably check out a hosting service like maptiler.
If you want self-hosting, the freshest data without hassle and have some budget you might prefer downloading production packages from
This project is for people with more time than money or infrastructure, and people who want freedom of distribution of the rendered tiles. It will let you incrementally render areas tilesets, then merge them in a growing worldwide tileset. It will also let you generate the diff tiles of these incremental updates.
TODO: reference to upcoming ipfs-tiles project.
This projects integrates OpenMapTiles using git submodules.
git submodule init
The currently checked out version is v3.11. Update it like this:
cd openmaptiles
git fetch --all --tags
git checkout tags/v3.11
List available areas:
bin/openmaptiles-world.js list
Add or update an area to world.mbtiles:
bin/openmaptiles-world.js --debug update bretagne
bin/openmaptiles-world.js --debug update pays-de-la-loire
bin/openmaptiles-world.js --debug update basse-normandie
Run a mini server with a map to inspect current state of world.mbtiles:
bin/openmaptiles-world.js inspect