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user: admin
password: admin for centos 6.x and 7.x
(how to install ...
Create folder for your project (example mypro)
Inside the folder of your project clone this repository (This will create the pxp folder) #git clone
Create a empty database for your project 3.1 Create database user for connection:
Example: CREATE ROLE db_conexion NOINHERIT LOGIN PASSWORD 'db_conexion';
You must create soft-links inside your project root folder to:
- lib
ln -s pxp/lib lib (execute inside your project root folder) - index.php
ln -s pxp/index.php index.php (execute inside your project root folder) - sis_seguridad
ln -s pxp/sis_seguridad sis_seguridad (execute inside your project root folder) - sis_generador
ln -s pxp/sis_generador sis_generador (execute inside your project root folder) - sis_parametros
ln -s pxp/sis_parametros sis_parametros (execute inside your project root folder) - sis_organigrama ln -s pxp/sis_organigrama sis_organigrama (execute inside your project root folder)
- sis_workflow ln -s pxp/sis_workflow sis_workflow (execute inside your project root folder)
All these folders and files are inside pxp.
- lib
Create two folders one named "reportes_generados" and other "uploaded_files" inside your project root folder with write access for Apache user.
Create a file named "DatosGenerales.php" inside pxp/lib. This file could be a copy of DatosGenerales.sample.php wich already exists in the same folder. It's necesary to do some configurations in that file according to the database.
-- ejm Create user dbweb_conexion in your database with superuser privileges $_SESSION["_BASE_DATOS"]= "dbweb"; $_SESSION["_USUARIO_CONEXION"] = "conexion" ; $_SESSION["_CONTRASENA_CONEXION"] = "pass_user_web_web_conexion" $_SESSION["_FOLDER"] = "/mypro/";
As postgres user execute "pxp/utilidades/restaurar_bd/" (This will generate the database). Postgres user needs execution access to (./
ejm create user conexion in your database
$_SESSION["_USUARIO_CONEXION"] = "conexion" ; $_SESSION["_CONTRASENA_CONEXION"] = "dbweb_conexion" ; ...
7.1. Configure postgres file, pg_hba.conf in direccion /var/lib/pgsql/9.1/data/, add next line:
local all postgres, dbweb_conexion trust
7.2. Restart postgres service
/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.1 restart
or service postgresql-9.1 restart
- You can use the framework now!!! (user:admin, password:admin)
- Create a folder for the system. Inside it create this structure:
- vista
- control
- modelo
- base
- funciones
- schema.sql (name of database schema for the system)
- data000001.sql (Scripts with initial data )
- dependencies000001.sql (Scripts to create objects with dependency: create view, add foreing key constraints, etc.)
- patch000001.sql (Scripts to create objects with no dependency: create table, add columns, etc.)
- test_data.sql (Test data for the system)
The folder "funciones" must contain one file for every function in the system.
- Create or update a file named "sistemas.txt" inside your project root folder wich contains the path for every system of your project.Eg: "../../../sis_mantenimiento/" One path should be one line in the file
For this, yo should have an instance already running and follow these steps:
- Go to your project root folder
- Clone your system git repository. If you have more than one system, you have to clone them all #git clone yourrepository.git
- Create or update a file named "sistemas.txt" inside your project root folder wich contains the path for every system of your project.Eg: "../../../sis_mantenimiento/" One path should be one line in the file
- Execute the script: "./" It whould be in your project folder and pxp/utilidades/restaurar_bd (Execute it as postgres user)
- If you have data to loose in the system select option 2, if there is nothing to loose select option number 1
After pull, the code is updated,but database scripts are not executed yet. It's possible to execute folowing these steps:
- Go to "/pxp/utilidades/restaurar_bd/" folder
- Change user to postgres: "su postgres -"
- Execute the script: "./"
- Now we have a menu with 4 options:
- Option 1 Drops all tables and functions an restore them from scripts ¡¡¡You lose information here!!!!
- Option 2 Keeps tables with data, drop functions and restore them from scripts and execute new script ¡¡¡You don't lose information here!!!!
- Option 3 Generate a backup from the current database
- Option 4 Exit the application
This video explains to use code generator for PXP
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (GPLv3).