Analytics and visualization of data
Dashboard view shows all the charts configured with real time data from the backend.
Designer view helps the admin to define new charts/reports. Admin can choose the metrics and how to visualize these metrics from this view. After defining the graph, it can be saved. The saved graphs are displayed on the dashboard.
The following postgres data should be configured to view the above charts.
-- Data for Name: analytics_metrics; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: prafull
COPY public.analytics_metrics (id, column_name, column_type, database, database_type, name) FROM stdin;
2 high_temp INT POSTGRES SQL High Temp
3 low_temp INT POSTGRES SQL Low Temp
4 avg_temp INT POSTGRES SQL Avg Temp
5 avg_wind INT POSTGRES SQL Avg Wind
6 high_wind INT POSTGRES SQL High Wind
7 low_wind INT POSTGRES SQL Low Wind
-- Data for Name: analytics_report; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: prafull
COPY public.analytics_report (id, data, name) FROM stdin;
1 {"type":["x-axis","line"],"title":"City High Temp","xAxis":"city","seriesColors":[],"metrics":[1,2],"groupBy":[]} City High Temp
2 {"type":["x-axis","column"],"title":"City High Temp Bars","xAxis":"city","seriesColors":[],"metrics":[1,2],"groupBy":[]} City High Temp Bars
3 {"type":["x-axis","spline","spline","column"],"title":"City Temp","xAxis":"city","seriesColors":[],"metrics":[1,2,3,4],"groupBy":[]} City Temp
4 {"type":["x-axis","spline","column","spline"],"title":"City Wind","xAxis":"city","seriesColors":[],"metrics":[1,5,6,7],"groupBy":[]} City Wind
5 {"type":["x-axis","area"],"title":"City High Wind","xAxis":"city","seriesColors":[],"metrics":[1,6],"groupBy":[]} City High Wind
6 {"type":["x-axis","bar"],"title":"City Low Wind","xAxis":"city","seriesColors":[],"metrics":[1,7],"groupBy":[]} City Low Wind
7 {"type":["x-axis","pie"],"title":"City Avg Wind","xAxis":"city","seriesColors":[],"metrics":[1,5],"groupBy":[]} City Avg Wind
8 {"type":["x-axis","column","spline"],"title":"City Temp vs Wind","xAxis":"city","seriesColors":[],"metrics":[1,2,6],"groupBy":[]} City Temp vs Wind