To analyze public tweets about a topic using python, tweepy, textblob and to generate a pie chart using matplotlib
Tweepy: tweepy is the python client for the official Twitter API, install it using following pip command:
pip install tweepy
TextBlob: textblob is the python library for processing textual data, install it using following pip command:
pip install textblob
Also, we need to install some NLTK corpora using following command:
python -m textblob.download_corpora
(Corpora is nothing but a large and structured set of texts.)
In order to fetch tweets through Twitter API, one needs to register an App through their twitter account. Follow these steps for the same:
Open this link and click the button: ‘Create New App’
Fill the application details. You can leave the callback url field empty.
Once the app is created, you will be redirected to the app page.
Open the ‘Keys and Access Tokens’ tab.
Copy ‘Consumer Key’, ‘Consumer Secret’, ‘Access token’ and ‘Access Token Secret’.
Import the required packages as following
import re
import tweepy
from tweepy import OAuthHandler
from textblob import TextBlob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Create a constructor for the class which authenticates the twitter client
class TwitterClient(object):
Generic Twitter Class for sentiment analysis.
def __init__(self):
Class constructor or initialization method.
# keys and tokens from the Twitter Dev Console
# attempt authentication
# create OAuthHandler object
self.auth = OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
# set access token and secret
self.auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
# create tweepy API object to fetch tweets
self.api = tweepy.API(self.auth)
print("Error: Authentication Failed")
Create a method which fetches the tweet inside the 'TwitterClient' class
def get_tweets(self, query, count = 10):
Main function to fetch tweets and parse them.
# empty list to store parsed tweets
tweets = []
# call twitter api to fetch tweets
fetched_tweets = = query, count = count)
# parsing tweets one by one
for tweet in fetched_tweets:
# empty dictionary to store required params of a tweet
parsed_tweet = {}
# saving text of tweet
parsed_tweet['text'] = tweet.text
# saving sentiment of tweet
parsed_tweet['sentiment'] = self.get_tweet_sentiment(tweet.text)
# appending parsed tweet to tweets list
if tweet.retweet_count > 0:
# if tweet has retweets, ensure that it is appended only once
if parsed_tweet not in tweets:
# return parsed tweets
return tweets
except tweepy.TweepError as e:
# print error (if any)
print("Error : " + str(e))
The below piece of code in the same class is to classify the tweets whether it is positive or negative using 'textblob'
def get_tweet_sentiment(self, tweet):
Utility function to classify sentiment of passed tweet
using textblob's sentiment method
# create TextBlob object of passed tweet text
analysis = TextBlob(self.clean_tweet(tweet))
# set sentiment
if analysis.sentiment.polarity > 0:
return 'positive'
elif analysis.sentiment.polarity == 0:
return 'neutral'
return 'negative'
To generate the piechart we use the following piece of code in main method
slices_tweets = [format(100*len(ptweets)/len(tweets)), format(100*len(ntweets)/len(tweets)), format((100*len(tweets)-100*len(ntweets)-100*len(ptweets))/len(tweets))]
analysis = ['Positive', 'Negative', 'Neutral']
colors = ['g', 'r', 'y']
plt.pie(slices_tweets, labels=analysis, startangle=-40, autopct='%.1f%%') #to generate the pie chart
plt.savefig(query) #to save the local copy of the piechart in your PC #to disply the generated chart
Now, let us define the main method as follows
def main():
# creating object of TwitterClient Class
api = TwitterClient()
# calling function to get tweets
query = input("What to search for? ")
tweets = api.get_tweets(query , count = 200)
f = open('helloworld.txt','w')
# picking positive tweets from tweets
ptweets = [tweet for tweet in tweets if tweet['sentiment'] == 'positive']
# percentage of positive tweets
print("Positive tweets percentage: {} %".format(100*len(ptweets)/len(tweets)))
# picking negative tweets from tweets
ntweets = [tweet for tweet in tweets if tweet['sentiment'] == 'negative']
# percentage of negative tweets
print("Negative tweets percentage: {} %".format(100*len(ntweets)/len(tweets)))
# percentage of neutral tweets
print("Neutral tweets percentage: {} %".format((100*len(tweets)-100*len(ntweets)-100*len(ptweets))/len(tweets)))
# printing first 5 positive tweets
print("\n\nPositive tweets:")
for tweet in ptweets[:10]:
# printing first 5 negative tweets
print("\n\nNegative tweets:")
for tweet in ntweets[:10]:
slices_tweets = [format(100*len(ptweets)/len(tweets)), format(100*len(ntweets)/len(tweets)), format((100*len(tweets)-100*len(ntweets)-100*len(ptweets))/len(tweets))]
analysis = ['Positive', 'Negative', 'Neutral']
colors = ['g', 'r', 'y']
plt.pie(slices_tweets, labels=analysis, startangle=-40, autopct='%.1f%%')
Now, calling the main method
if __name__ == "__main__":
# calling main function
C:\Users\kaart> python e:\
What to search for? CSK
Positive tweets percentage: 41.53846153846154 %
Negative tweets percentage: 3.076923076923077 %
Neutral tweets percentage: 55.38461538461539 %
Positive tweets:
RT @CSK_Offl: #CSK Wins the Match By 22 Runs..��💥💥
The SUPER KINGS Are Back..�😎
RT @TrendsDhoni: Learning from the Best ! ❤️
RT @DHONIism: For CSK In 2019 IPL
Most Runs - Dhoni (156)*
High Score - Dhoni (75*)
Most 6s - Dhoni (6)*
Most 50s - Dhoni, Jhadav, Faf(1)…
blue 97-7
pona match la csk kuda
If you think he's yo…
RT @Swez_S: #SelectDugout @StarSportsIndia @scottbstyris "If CSK were playing their matches on this pitch, they wouldn't be ranked as high…
Negative tweets:
@arsh2302 Hydrabad is mostly slow through out the all #IPL.
Delhi is an issue..And the csk.. too.
RT @mostly_insane: Kitna b maar khaao hum nhi sudhrenge tell your cutie to captain strategically and win matches kiddos
You guys are not ev…
The pie chart generated is as,