Add tooltips to configurable products and custom options.
Partially inspired by Spaggel_Tooltip (I only discovered this extension after I had mostly built this extension).
Currently supports configurable attributes (both dropdown and swatch). TODO: Add support for custom options (see XCH codebase).
User Stories & Acceptance Criteria
As an admin, I’d like to be able to add tooltip information to each product option so users can learn more about each option.
Tooltip data will show on click (not hover)
CMS Static Blocks will be used to power these tooltips. The Static Block IDs will be looked up using the following fallback logic:
product_option_tooltip_<label> -
The product-sku and label values will be converted using the following logic:
every character except a-z and 0-9 will be converted to a hyphen and lowercased.
For example:
Shirt Color
Someone’s cööl label description
composer config repositories.kraken/module-product-options-tooltips git
composer require kraken/module-product-options-tooltips:dev-master
bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Kraken_ProductOptionsTooltips
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush
Option 2 - Install extension by copying files into project (only if the project requires it for some reason)
mkdir -p app/code/Kraken/ProductOptionsTooltips
git archive --format=tar master | tar xf - -C app/code/Kraken/ProductOptionsTooltips/
bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Kraken_ProductOptionsTooltips
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush
These instructions work regardless of how you installed the extension:
bin/magento module:disable --clear-static-content Kraken_ProductOptionsTooltips
rm -rf app/code/Kraken/ProductOptionsTooltips
composer remove kraken/module-product-options-tooltips
mr2 db:query 'DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE `module` = "Kraken_ProductOptionsTooltips"'
bin/magento cache:flush