This application is a simple chat room application developed using web-sockets in Java. The basic tasks users can perform are:
- entering a room
- sending messages
- leaving the room
In the below sections, I will present an overview of the project components, what are the classes that make up the project and some few pointers on future scope.
WebSocket is a communication protocol that makes it possible to establish a two-way communication channel between a server and a client.
I will go through the important classes and their workings as well. Some additional html and xml files that complete the project and are essential are also explained.
Message is a model class. It is the message payload that will be exchanged between the client and the server.
WebSocketChatServer is the controller class. It has below method implementations:-
onOpen:Establishes a connection between client and server
onMessage: Gets session and user information and sends messages.
sendMessageToAll: Sends the message to all connected users
onClose:Closes the connection
WebSocketConfig is the web socket configuration file which defines server endpoint exporter
LoginController is controller file to implement the login functionality and render the chat url
WebSocketChatApplication is the main class to boot the application
This view-page helps the user to login.
This view-page shows the chat window where user can also type-in his\her message
Its the maven build file with dependency on spring-boot-starter-web, spring-boot-starter-websocket, spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf, jquery, fastjson.
Clone the repository with,
$ git clone
Navigate to the root directory i.e. chat_room_app and Run the maven build command and run the spring boot application
$ cd chat_room_app; mvn build; mvn spring-boot:run
Let me know if you see any possible improvements or errors in the application. You can reach out to me at: