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Swift library for decoding, validating, signing and verifying JWT


  • Verify and sign :
    • HMAC HS256 HS384 HS512
    • RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 RS256 RS384 RS384
  • Validate (optionally) all registered claims :
    • Issuer iss
    • Subject sub
    • Audience aud
    • Expiration Time exp
    • Not Before nbf
    • Issued At iat
    • JWT ID jti
  • No external dependencies : CommonCrypto and Security framework are used for signing and verifying
  • Extensible : add your own claim validator and sign operations

Carthage compatible


Decode & Validation

import JSONWebToken

let rawJWT : String
let jwt : JSONWebToken = try JSONWebToken(string : rawJWT)

//create the validator by combining other validators with the & or | operator
let validator = RegisteredClaimValidator.expiration & 
				RegisteredClaimValidator.notBefore.optional &
				HMACSignature(secret: "secret".dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!, hashFunction: .SHA256)
- not expired
- can be used now (optional : a jwt without nbf will be valid)
- signed with HS256 and the key "secret"
let validationResult = validator.validateToken(jwt)
guard case ValidationResult.Success = validationResult else { return }

//use the token and access the payload
let issuer : String? = jwt.payload.issuer
let customClaim = jwt.payload["customClaim"] as? String


import JSONWebToken

//build the payload
var payload = JSONWebToken.Payload()
payload.issuer = ""
payload.subject = "antoine"            
payload.audience = [""]
payload.expiration = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(300)
payload.notBefore = NSDate()
payload.issuedAt = NSDate()
payload.jwtIdentifier = NSUUID().UUIDString
payload["customClaim"] = "customClaim"

//use HS256 to sign the token
let signer = HMACSignature(secret: "secret".dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!, hashFunction: .SHA256) 

//build the token, signer is optional
let jwt = try JSONWebToken(payload : payload, signer : signer)
let rawJWT : String = jwt.rawString

RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 Signature


Keys are represented by the RSAKey struct, wrapping a SecKeyRef. The preferred way of importing public keys is to use a DER-encoded X.509 certificate (.cer), and for private keys a PKCS#12 (.p12) identity. It's also possible to import raw representation of keys (X509, public pem, modulus/exponent ...) by using a keychain item import side effect.

let certificateData : NSData = //DER-encoded X.509 certificate
let publicKey : RSAKey = try RSAKey(certificateData : certificateData)
let p12Data : NSData //PKCS #12–formatted identity data
let identity : (publicKey : RSAKey, privateKey : RSAKey) = try RSAKey.keysFromPkcs12Identity(p12Data, passphrase : "pass")
let keyData : NSData
//import key into the keychain
let key : RSAKey = try RSAKey.registerOrUpdateKey(keyData, tag : "keyTag")
let modulusData : NSData
let exponentData : NSData
//import key into the keychain
let key : RSAKey = try RSAKey.registerOrUpdateKey(modulus : modulusData, exponent : exponentData, tag : "keyTag")

Retrieve or delete key from the keychain :

//get registered key
let key : RSAKey? = RSAKey.registeredKeyWithTag("keyTag")

A large part of the raw key import code is copied from the Heimdall library.


Use RSAPKCS1Verifier as validator to verify token signature :

let jwt : JSONWebToken
let publicKey : RSAKey
let validator = RegisteredClaimValidator.expiration & 
				RegisteredClaimValidator.notBefore.optional &
				RSAPKCS1Verifier(key : publicKey, hashFunction: .SHA256)
let validationResult = validator.validateToken(jwt)


Use RSAPKCS1Signer to generate signed token:

let payload : JSONWebToken.Payload
let privateKey : RSAKey

let signer = RSAPKCS1Signer(hashFunction: .SHA256, key: privateKey)	
let jwt = try JSONWebToken(payload : payload, signer : signer)
let rawJWT : String = jwt.rawString


Validators (signature and claims) implement the protocol JSONWebTokenValidatorType

public protocol JSONWebTokenValidatorType {
    func validateToken(token : JSONWebToken) -> ValidationResult

Implementing this protocol on any class or struct allows it to be combined with other validator using the | or & operator. The validation method returns a ValidationResult :

public enum ValidationResult {
    case Success
    case Failure(ErrorType)
    public var isValid : Bool

Claim validation

You can implement a claim validator with the ClaimValidator struct :

public struct ClaimValidator<T> : JSONWebTokenValidatorType {
let validator : ClaimValidator<Int> = ClaimValidator(key: "customClaim", transform: { (jsonValue : AnyObject) throws -> Int in
	guard let numberValue = jsonValue as? NSNumber else {
		throw ClaimValidatorError(message: "customClaim value \(jsonValue) is not the expected Number type")
	return numberValue.integerValue
}).withValidator { 1..<4 ~= $0 }

All registered claims validators are implemented :

  • RegisteredClaimValidator.issuer : iss claim is defined and is a String
  • RegisteredClaimValidator.subject : sub claim is defined and is a String
  • RegisteredClaimValidator.audience : aud claim is defined and is a String or [String]
  • RegisteredClaimValidator.expiration : exp claim is defined, is an Integer transformable to NSDate, and is after current date
  • RegisteredClaimValidator.notBefore : nbf claim is defined, is an Integer transformable to NSDate, and is before current date
  • RegisteredClaimValidator.issuedAt : iat claim is defined, is an Integer transformable to NSDate
  • RegisteredClaimValidator.jwtIdentifier : jti claim is defined and is a String

And it can be extended :

let myIssuerValidator = RegisteredClaimValidator.issuer.withValidator { $0 == "kreactive" }

Unsupported signature


Implement the SignatureValidator protocol on any class or struct to add and unsupported signature algorithm validator.

public protocol SignatureValidator : JSONWebTokenValidatorType {
    func canVerifyWithSignatureAlgorithm(alg : SignatureAlgorithm) -> Bool
    func verify(input : NSData, signature : NSData) -> Bool


Implement the TokenSigner protocol on any class or struct to sign token with unsupported signature algorithm.

public protocol TokenSigner {
    var signatureAlgorithm : SignatureAlgorithm {get}
    func sign(input : NSData) throws -> NSData


Test samples are generated using pyjwt Python library


Swift lib for decoding, validating, signing and verifying JWT








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