This repository contains the code for the Kresko Protocol. Kresko Protocol supports creating and managing crypto-backed synthetic assets. Prices for synthetic assets are derived from combination of oracle providers (on-demand/push).
Protocol uses the EIP-2535 architecture. It enables composability through flexibile storage patterns while allowing users to access all core functionality with a single contract address.
This readme is a usage/integration guide that assumes understanding of Solidity (especially EIP-2535), Foundry, Hardhat and core concepts of Kresko.
A justfile exists for running things.
just installed: just <command>
just not installed: npx just <command>
Install missing tools (bun, foundry, pm2), forge dependencies and run dry deploy
just setup
Only tools & deps can be installed with
just deps
Create .env file from example
cp .env.example .env
curl -fsSL | bash
PM2 is required for anvil & forge development network
bun a -g pm2
Install foundry:
curl -L | bash
Install forge dependencies
forge install
Install node dependencies
bun install --yarn
Compile the contracts
forge build
Check your setup by running the forge deployment script
bun f:dry
just d
Compile the contracts
bun hh:compile
Check your setup by running the hardhat deployment script
bun hh:dry
NOTE: Primary test coverage uses hardhat. Forge tests are a work in progress
Run tests with against a local deployment fixture
bun hh:test
forge test
Spins up hardhat node and runs deployment
bun hh:dev
(requires PM2: bun a -g pm2
Spins up anvil and runs deployment
just l
Observe deployment script logs
pm2 logs 1
Restart the network
just r
Stop the network
just k
Patterns in this repository have broken lsp support with these extensions: hardhat, solidity.
Recommendation is to rather use this fork: vsc-solidity.
About ERC-2535 (Diamonds) and things
External functionality lives in Facets, Use IKresko.sol or the artifact generated using
for aggregate ABI. -
Logic (mostly) lives inside internal library functions. These libraries are then attached globally to structs for convenience.
Storage is accessed with inline assembly slot pointer assignment. To access the storage (+ attached library functions) simply call these storage getter functions anywhere.
Vault, Factory and KreskoAsset contracts do not live inside the diamond scope.
Do not add new state variables to the beginning or middle of structs. Doing this makes the new state variable overwrite existing state variable data and all state variables after the new state variable reference the wrong storage location.
Do not put structs directly in structs unless you don’t plan on ever adding more state variables to the inner structs. You won't be able to add new state variables to inner structs in upgrades. This makes sense because a struct uses a fixed number of storage locations. Adding a new state variable to an inner struct would cause the next state variable after the inner struct to be overwritten. Structs that are in mappings can be extended in upgrades, because those structs are stored in random locations based on keccak256 hashing.
Do not add new state variables to structs that are used in arrays.
Do not use the same namespace string for different structs. This is obvious. Two different structs at the same location will overwrite each other.
To add new state variables to the DiamondStorage pattern (eg. MinterState or ms), add them to the end of the struct so it is not possible for existing functions to overwrite state variables at new storage locations.
Above also applies to structs inside mappings.
State variable names can be changed - but it might be confusing if different facets use different names for the same storage.
Learning references
Contributions to Kresko Protocol are encouraged, feel free to open an issue or pull request.
All contributions are licensed under BUSL-1.1.
Critical bug disclosures and inquiries should be directed to: