An App that displays information about SpaceX crew members and ships .
Go to Releases to download the latest APK
- Consumes a REST API to get and display information about Space-X crew members and ships
- Uses the room Persistence Library to store the updated data offline ( Offline Caching )
- Follows MVVM Architecture
- Uses navigation component to handle navigation drawer & bottom navigation
- Uses Dagger and hilt for Dependency Injection
- Dark Mode Toggle in setting page
- Android Studio & Kotlin
- Room Persistence Library
- Dependency Injection ( Dagger and hilt)
- Flows & Coroutines
- Navigation Component
- Retrofit ( To handle network requests )
- Glide ( Image Loading Library )
- Lottie Animations
- Shared Preference
Space-X Api Docs -
look for ‘Crew’ section for crew and look for ‘Ships’ section for ships in rest api docs
Lottie animation -