Simple list of constants to use FontAwesome in OpenFrameworks.
Includes FontAwesome version 4 and 5.
- Clone this repo into your addons folder
- Drag ofxFontAwsome to your project
- Make sure the ttf files are copied during the build stage.
a. OSX: Click on your target, go to Build-Phases, add this to the Run Script phase:
cp -rf ../../../addons/ofxFontAwesome/bin/data/ "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/$"
b. Windows: ?? c. Linux: ?? d. Alternative: Just drop the ttf in your bin/data folder
The examples use ofxFontStash2 to render text.
#include "ofxFontAwesome.h"; // fa4 + fa5
#include "ofxFontAwesome4.h"; // fa4 only
#include "ofxFontAwesome5.h"; // fa5 only
#include "ofxFontStash2.h"
ofxFontStash2 stash;
void ofApp::setup(){
// each fontawesome version has a constant with the default ttf name
stash.addFont("fa4", ofxFontAwesome4::filename); // fontawesome 4
stash.addFont("fa5s", ofxFontAwesome5s::filename); // fontawesome 5, solid icons
stash.addFont("fa5r", ofxFontAwesome5r::filename); // fontawesome 5, regular icons
void ofApp::draw(){
ofxFontStashStyle style;
style = ofxFontStashStyle("fa4", 12, {255,255,0});
stash.draw( ofxFontAwesome4::compress + " " + ofxFontAwesome4::expand, style, 50, 100);
style = ofxFontStashStyle("fa5s", 12, {255,255,0});
stash.draw( ofxFontAwesome5s::align_center + " " + ofxFontAwesome5s::bath, style, 50, 130);
style = ofxFontStashStyle("fa5r", 12, {255,255,0});
stash.draw( ofxFontAwesome5r::address_book + " " + ofxFontAwesome5r::clipboard, style, 50, 160);
Produces the following output:
#include "ofxFontAwesome5.h"
#include "ofxFontStash.h"
ofxFontStash font_regular = nullptr;
ofxFontStash font_solid = nullptr;
void ofApp::setup(){
font.loadFont("fontawesome-webfont.ttf", 100);
void ofApp::draw(){
font.drawString( ofxFontAwesome::compress + " " + ofxFontAwesome::expand, 50, 100);
The font itself (fontawesome-webfont.ttf) is licensed under the SIL OFL1.1, the "code" is under the WTFPL