Based on wonderfall/dockerfiles/rtorrent-flood.
- Based on Alpine Linux.
- rTorrent and libtorrent are compiled from source.
- Provides by default a solid configuration.
- Filebot is included, and creates symlinks in
. - Flood, a modern web UI for rTorrent with a Node.js backend and React frontend.
- RTORRENT_VER : rtorrent version
- LIBTORRENT_VER : libtorrent version
- MEDIAINFO_VER : libmediainfo version
- FILEBOT_VER : filebot version
- BUILD_CORES : number of cores used during build
- UID : user id (default : 991)
- GID : group id (defaut : 991)
- FLOOD_SECRET : flood secret key (defaut : mysupersecretkey) (CHANGE IT)
- CONTEXT_PATH : context path (base_URI) (default : /)
- RTORRENT_SCGI : SCGI port (default : 0 for use local socket)
(don't touch)
- 49184 (bind it).
- 3000 (reverse proxy!)
- latest : latest versions of rTorrent/libtorrent.
- Use $RTORRENT_VER-$LIBTORRENT_VER to get specific versions of rTorrent/libtorrent.
- /data : your downloaded torrents, session files, symlinks...
- /flood-db : Flood databases.