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ZkSync Smart Contract Testing, Deployment and Interaction Framework with Foundry


Currently the industry standard Solidity smart contract test and deploy frameworks are Hardhat and Truffle. They both use JavaScript to test and deploy solidity smart contracts. Another smart contract testing platform by the name of Foundry. The advantage that Foundry provides is that all tests are also written solidity creating a smoother developer experience. With Foundry, the engineer does not need to switch languages to write tests and deploy contracts..

Currently only Hardhat has developed functionality for zkSync. The purpose of this repository is to create functionality with Foundry to fully test, compile and deploy smart contracts on zkSync using only Solidity, as well as interact with those contracts once deployed.


Quick Start / Installation

Clone these two repos to the same directory:

  • foundry-zksync - this is our application, we will be building this in the following steps
  • sample-fzksync-project - this is the sample project that contains the smart contract to be compiled
# make working directory and cd anywhere on filesystem
$ mkdir fzksync && cd fzksync
# clone foundry-zksync
$ git clone 
# clone fzksync-project
$ git clone
# cd into foundry-zksync and build
$ cd foundry-zksync
$ cargo build -p foundry-cli

Version 0.0 (Linux & Mac)

We need to establish the functionality we want for release v0.0 of this implementation. Below we will specify the exact features to accomplish our v0.0 release.

Feature Set

  • Compile smart contracts with zksolc compiler
  • Deploy smart contracts to zkSync Testnet or Local Test Node
  • Bridge assets L1 <-> L2
  • Make contract calls to deployed contracts on zkSync Testnet or Local Test Node
  • Send transactions to deployed contracts on zkSync Testnet or Local Test Node

NOTE: All commands are entered from the project root folder

Environment Variables

By providing the following environment variables in the .env file at the PROJECT-ROOT folder, the --rpc-url and --chain flags can be ommitted in command lines.

# ETH_RPC_URL can be used to replace --rpc-url in command line 

# ZKSYNC_RPC_URL can be used to replace --l2-url in command line for zk-deposit

# CHAIN can be used to replace --chain in command line  
# Local: 270, Testnet: 280

Spin up local docker node

Follow these instructions to set up local docker node

Blockchain Interaction

Use the zkcast command to get blockchain data:

# chain id local node
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast chain-id --rpc-url http://localhost:3050
# output:

# chain id testnet
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast chain-id --rpc-url
# output:

# client
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast client --rpc-url
# output:

# get account L2 eth balance
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast balance 0x42C7eF198f8aC9888E2B1b73e5B71f1D4535194A --rpc-url
# output:

# gas price
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast gas-price --rpc-url
# output:

# timestamp of latest block
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast age --block latest --rpc-url
# output:
Mon May  1 16:11:07 2023

# get latest block:
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast block latest --rpc-url
# output:
baseFeePerGas        250000000
difficulty           0
extraData            0x
gasLimit             4294967295
gasUsed              40277767
hash                 0x6c5b7c9b82b48bd77c0f506d74ed32aec6ab5c52e6c9c604ee8825a0b4a68289
logsBloom            0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
miner                0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
mixHash              0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
nonce                0x0000000000000000
number               5024177
parentHash           0x9fbb3c9e5ef3b7807152367eeab5759cce14c290118de0e9011777a640cd7068
receiptsRoot         0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
sealFields           []
sha3Uncles           0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
size                 0
stateRoot            0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
timestamp            1682957640
totalDifficulty      0
l1BatchNumber        null
l1BatchTimestamp     null

Bridging Assets L1 ↔ L2

Bridge assets L1 ↔ L2 with zkcast zk-send and zkcast zk-deposit

L1 → L2 deposits:

zkcast zk-deposit <TO> <AMOUNT> <TOKEN> --rpc-url <RPC-URL> --l2-url <L2URL> --chain <CHAIN-ID> --private-key <PRIVATE-KEY>

NOTE: Leave <TOKEN> blank to bridge ETH

Usage: zkcast zk-deposit  <TO> <AMOUNT> --rpc-url <ETH_RPC_URL> --l2-url <L2URL> [OPTIONS] [BRIDGE] [TIP]

          The destination of the transaction.

          Amount of token to deposit.

          The address of a custom bridge to call.

          Optional fee that the user can choose to pay in addition to the regular transaction fee.

  -z, --l2-url <L2URL>
          The zkSync RPC Layer 2 endpoint. Can be provided via the env var ZKSYNC_RPC_URL or --l2-url from the command line.
          NOTE: For Deposits, ETH_RPC_URL, or --rpc-url should be set to the Layer 1 RPC URL
          [env: ZKSYNC_RPC_URL=]

      --token <TOKEN>
          Token to bridge. Leave blank for ETH.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Example Usage

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast zkdeposit 0x36615Cf349d7F6344891B1e7CA7C72883F5dc049 1000000 --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 --l2-url http://localhost:3050 --private-key 7726827caac94a7f9e1b160f7ea819f172f7b6f9d2a97f992c38edeab82d4110 --chain 270


Bridging assets....
Transaction Hash: 0x55793df0a636aedd098309e3487c6d9ec0910422d5b9f0bdbdf764bc82dc1b9f

L2 → L1 withdrawals:

zkcast zk-send --withdraw <TO> --amount <AMOUNT> <TOKEN> --rpc-url <RPC-URL> --private-key <PRIVATE-KEY>

  [TO]                  The withdraw recipient.

Bridging options:
  -w, --withdraw        For L2 -> L1 withdrawals.

      --token <TOKEN>   Token to bridge. Leave blank for ETH.

  -a, --amount <AMOUNT> Amount of token to bridge. Required value when bridging

Example Usage:

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast zk-send --withdraw 0x36615Cf349d7F6344891B1e7CA7C72883F5dc049 --amount 1000000 --rpc-url http://localhost:3050 --private-key 7726827caac94a7f9e1b160f7ea819f172f7b6f9d2a97f992c38edeab82d4110 --chain 270


Bridging assets....
Transaction Hash: 0x94ef9e2eed345dcfef6f0b4f953f431b8edc6760e29b598a7cf446dab18d6317


v0.0 Command:

zkforge zk-build

aliases: zkforge zkbuild, zkforge zk-compile, zkforge zkb

Compile smart contracts to zkEvm bytecode and store compile output files into a logical directory structure <PROJECT-ROOT>/zkout/ for easy retrieval for other components of the application.

Compiler subcommands for zkSync

zkforge zk-build [OPTIONS]

      --use-zksolc   Specify zksolc compiler version (default if left blank)
      --is-system    Enable the system contract compilation mode.
      --force-evmla  Sets the EVM legacy assembly pipeline forcibly
      -h, --help         Print help


Compiling with --is-system flag

It is necessary for some contracts, including those that deploy other contracts (such as factory contracts), to be compiled using the --is-sytem flag. These contracts should be placed in the src/is-system/ folder, if the folder does not exist, manually create it:


Example Usage

To compile with only default compiler options (v1.3.9):

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkforge zk-build 

Compiler Settings

zksolc compiler version can optionally be configured using --use-zksolc flag:

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkforge zkb --use-zksolc v1.3.8


zksolc compiler artifacts can be found in the output folder:



Example terminal output:


NOTE: Currently, until forge remappings are implemented, import paths must be relative to the contract importing it: image

In this example, SimpleFactory.sol is in the src/is-system/ folder.


v0.0 Command:

zkforge zk-create

aliases: zkforge zkcreate, zkforge zk-deploy, zkforge zkc

Manage deployments in the native foundry/zkforge fashion, using the zkforge zk-create command.

Deploy smart contracts to zksync.

Usage: zkforge zk-create <CONTRACT> [OPTIONS] --rpc-url <RPC-URL> --chain <CHAIN-ID> --private-key <PRIVATE-KEY>

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

ZkCreate options:
      --constructor-args <ARGS>...
          The constructor arguments.

      --constructor-args-path <FILE>
          The path to a file containing the constructor arguments.

          The contract identifier in the form `<path>:<contractname>`.

ZkSync Features:
      --factory-deps <FACTORY-DEPS>...
          The factory dependencies in the form `<path>:<contractname>`.

Example Usage

To Deploy src/Greeter.sol to zksync local node:

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkforge zkc src/Greeter.sol:Greeter --constructor-args "ZkSync + Pineapple" --private-key 7726827caac94a7f9e1b160f7ea819f172f7b6f9d2a97f992c38edeab82d4110 --rpc-url http://localhost:3050 --chain 270


Deploying contract...
Contract successfully deployed to address: 0xa1b809005e589f81de6ef9f48d67e35606c05fc3
Transaction Hash: 0x34782985ba7c70b6bc4a8eb2b95787baec29356171fdbb18608037a2fcd7eda8
Gas used: 168141
Effective gas price: 250000000
Block Number: 249

Contract Interaction

v0.0 Commands:

zkcast zk-send

aliases: zkcast zks, zkcast zksend

Interact with deployed contracts in the native foundry/zkforge fashion using the CLI zkcast zk-send command:

Sign and publish a zksync transaction.

Usage: zkcast zk-send [OPTIONS] [TO] [SIG] [ARGS]...

  [TO]        The destination of the transaction.

  [SIG]       The signature of the function to call.

  [ARGS]...   The arguments of the function to call.

  -h, --help   Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Bridging options:
  -d, --deposit         For L1 -> L2 deposits.

  -w, --withdraw        For L2 -> L1 withdrawals.

      --token <TOKEN>   Token to bridge. Leave blank for ETH.

  -a, --amount <AMOUNT> Amount of token to bridge. Required value when bridging
  • Retrieving and interacting with chain data, for example, block numbers and gas estimates
  • Interact with deployed contracts on (zkSync Testnet or Local Docker Node)

Non-state changing calls:

zkcast call <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> <FUNCTION_SIG> --rpc-url <RPC-URL>

Example Usage

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast call 0x97b985951fd3e0c1d996421cc783d46c12d00082 "greet()(string)" --rpc-url http://localhost:3050


ZkSync + Pineapple

Send transactions:

zkcast zk-send <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> <FUNCTION_SIG> <FUNCTION_ARGS> --rpc-url <RPC-URL> --private-key <PRIVATE-KEY> --chain <CHAIN-ID>

Example Usage

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast zk-send 0x97b985951fd3e0c1d996421cc783d46c12d00082 "setGreeting(string)" "Killer combo!"  --rpc-url http://localhost:3050 --private-key 7726827caac94a7f9e1b160f7ea819f172f7b6f9d2a97f992c38edeab82d4110 --chain 270


Sending transaction....
Transaction Hash: 0x7651fba8ddeb624cca93f89da493675ccbc5c6d36ee25ed620b07424ce338552

Verify output

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast call 0x97b985951fd3e0c1d996421cc783d46c12d00082 "greet()(string)" --rpc-url http://localhost:3050


Killer combo!

Usage Example: SimpleFactory.sol

Deploying and Interacting with SimpleFactory.sol

Compile contracts:

SimpleFactory.sol must be compiled with the is-system flag, so they need to be placed in the src/is-sytem/ folder

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkforge zk-build

Deploy SimpleFactory.sol

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkforge zkc src/SimpleFactory.sol:SimpleFactory --constructor-args 01000041691510d85ddfc6047cba6643748dc028636d276f09a546ab330697ef 010000238a587670be26087b7812eab86eca61e7c4014522bdceda86adb2e82f --factory-deps src/Child.sol:Child src/StepChild.sol:StepChild --private-key 7726827caac94a7f9e1b160f7ea819f172f7b6f9d2a97f992c38edeab82d4110 --rpc-url http://localhost:3050 --chain 270


Deploying contract...
Contract successfully deployed to address: 0xa1b809005e589f81de6ef9f48d67e35606c05fc3
Transaction Hash: 0x34782985ba7c70b6bc4a8eb2b95787baec29356171fdbb18608037a2fcd7eda8
Gas used: 168141
Effective gas price: 250000000
Block Number: 249

Deploy StepChlid.sol via SimpleFactory.sol

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast zk-send 0x23cee3fb585b1e5092b7cfb222e8e873b05e9519 "newStepChild()" --rpc-url http://localhost:3050 --private-key 7726827caac94a7f9e1b160f7ea819f172f7b6f9d2a97f992c38edeab82d4110 --chain 270


Sending transaction....
Transaction Hash: 0xa82a0636b71af058d4916d81868eebc41173ca07b78d30fe57f4b74e9294ef25

Interact with SimpleFactory.sol

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast call 0x23cee3fb585b1e5092b7cfb222e8e873b05e9519 "stepChildren(uint256)(address)" 0 --rpc-url http://localhost:3050


StepChild.sol deployed address:


Interact with StepChild.sol

Use zkcast call to check initial state:

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast call 0xbc88C5Cdfe2659ebDD5dbb7e1a695A4cb189Df96 "isEnabled()(bool)" --rpc-url http://localhost:3050



Use zkcast zk-send to modify state:

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast zk-send 0xbc88C5Cdfe2659ebDD5dbb7e1a695A4cb189Df96 "enable()" --rpc-url http://localhost:3050 --private-key 7726827caac94a7f9e1b160f7ea819f172f7b6f9d2a97f992c38edeab82d4110 --chain 270


Sending transaction....
Transaction Hash: 0xe005e15e9f58b7dcdcc7b16a9d5c706ddef7a4c9cab82216ea944d5344ba01ae

Use zkcast call to check modified state:

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast call 0xbc88C5Cdfe2659ebDD5dbb7e1a695A4cb189Df96 "isEnabled()(bool)" --rpc-url http://localhost:3050



Account abstraction multisig

This section compiles, deploys and interacts with the contracts from the zkSync Era Account Abstraction Multisig example


Compile AAFactory.sol:

AAFactory.sol needs to be compiled with the --is-system flag because it will be interacting with system contracts to deploy the multisig wallets.

It needs to be placed in the src/is-sytem/ folder

# command line using zkforge zk-build
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkforge zk-build


AAFactory -> Bytecode Hash: "010000791703a54dbe2502b00ee470989c267d0f6c0d12a9009a947715683744" 
Compiled Successfully

Deploy AAFactory.sol:

To deploy the factory we need the Bytecode Hash of the TwoUserMultiSig.sol contract to provide to the constructor of AAFactory.sol:

constructor(bytes32 _aaBytecodeHash) {
        aaBytecodeHash = _aaBytecodeHash;

Note: aaBytecodeHash = Bytecode hash of TwoUserMultiSig.sol

To deploy a contract that deploys other contracts it is necessary to provide the bytecodes of the children contracts in the factory-deps field of the transaction. This can be accomplished by using the --factory-deps flag and providing the full contract path in the format: <path>:<contractname>

# command line using zkforge zk-create
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkforge zkc src/is-system/AAFactory.sol:AAFactory --constructor-args 010007572230f4df5b4e855ff48d4cdfffc9405522117d7e020ee42650223460 --factory-deps src/TwoUserMultiSig.sol:TwoUserMultisig --private-key 7726827caac94a7f9e1b160f7ea819f172f7b6f9d2a97f992c38edeab82d4110 --rpc-url http://localhost:3050 --chain 270


Deploying contract...
Contract successfully deployed to address: 0xd5608cec132ed4875d19f8d815ec2ac58498b4e5
Transaction Hash: 0x0e6f55ff1619af8b3277853a8f2941d0481635880358316f03ae264e2de059ed
Gas used: 154379
Effective gas price: 250000000
Block Number: 291

Now that we have the AAFactory.sol contract address we can call deployAccount function to deploy a new TwoUserMultiSig.sol instance.

Here is the interface of deployAccount:

function deployAccount(bytes32 salt, address owner1, address owner2) external returns (address accountAddress)

we need to provide the two owner addresses for the newly deployed multisig:

owner1 = 0xa61464658AfeAf65CccaaFD3a512b69A83B77618
owner2 = 0x0D43eB5B8a47bA8900d84AA36656c92024e9772e

We are also just using a 0x00 value for the salt parameter. (you will need a unique value for salt for each instance that uses same owner wallets)

# command line using zkcast zk-send
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast zk-send 0xd5608cec132ed4875d19f8d815ec2ac58498b4e5 "deployAccount(bytes32,address,address)(address)" 0x00 0xa61464658AfeAf65CccaaFD3a512b69A83B77618 0x0D43eB5B8a47bA8900d84AA36656c92024e9772e --rpc-url http://localhost:3050 --private-key 7726827caac94a7f9e1b160f7ea819f172f7b6f9d2a97f992c38edeab82d4110 --chain 270


Sending transaction....
Transaction Hash: 0x43a4dded84a12891dfae4124b42b9f091750e953193bd779a7e5e4d422909e73
0x03e50ec034f1d363de0add752c33d4831a2731bf, <---- Deployed contract address

Viola! The new TwoUserMultiSig.sol contract has been deployed to:


We can check the tx receipt using zkcast tx <TX-HASH>

../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast tx 0x22364a3e191ad10013c5f20036e9696e743a4f686bc58a0106ef0b9e7592347c --rpc-url http://localhost:3050


blockHash            0x2f3e2be46a7cb9f9e9df503903990e6670e88224e52232c988b5a730c82d98c0
blockNumber          297
from                 0x36615Cf349d7F6344891B1e7CA7C72883F5dc049
gas                  217367
gasPrice             250000000
hash                 0x43a4dded84a12891dfae4124b42b9f091750e953193bd779a7e5e4d422909e73
input                0x76fb8b650000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a61464658afeaf65cccaafd3a512b69a83b776180000000000000000000000000d43eb5b8a47ba8900d84aa36656c92024e9772e
nonce                147
r                    0x16385d99ccaaa5e84bb97d76a0afb310350c2ca4165ed41d458efa80cd76d3bd
s                    0x3ec55287f223e760b7dd82a676feece939832e4c5a3d73f3aa979bd2cd48801c
to                   0xd5608cEC132ED4875D19f8d815EC2ac58498B4E5
transactionIndex     0
v                    1
value                0
l1BatchNumber        149
l1BatchTxIndex       0

We can verify by using zkcast call to call the public variables 'owner1' and 'owner2' on the newly deployed TwoUserMultiSig.sol contract:

Verify owner1:

# command line using zkcast call
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast call 0x03e50ec034f1d363de0add752c33d4831a2731bf "owner1()(address)" --rpc-url http://localhost:3050



Verify owner2:

# command line using zkcast call
../foundry-zksync/target/debug/zkcast call 0x03e50ec034f1d363de0add752c33d4831a2731bf "owner2()(address)" --rpc-url http://localhost:3050




Verify arguments

Make sure that:

  • you are using zksync specific methods (zkcreate not create, zksend not send)
  • that you've set the correct --rpc-url
  • that you have the proper contract address - the bytecodes in zkSync are different than in EVM - so the resulting contracts will be deployed at different addresses

'Method not found' when calling 'send'

If you get errors like (code: -32601, message: Method not found, data: None) - you are probably using a send method instead of zksend.


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