- The use of Conventional Commits to improve readability for your commit messages, and to make automations based on them. See the commits for examples
- Commitzen, a tool for git bash that helps you write conventional commit messages
- Standard version, a tool that uses conventional commits for automatically:
- Increase the version of your app
- Create a github release
- Create a CHANGELOG.md file in your repo that contains a list all features and fixes
- Add a .gitignore-file (see ours)
- Added a basic package.json file to hold the version
{ "name": "conventionalcommits", "version": "0.0.0" }
- Installed commitizen globally by running
npm install -g commitizen
- Enabled commitizen in the repo by running:
commitizen init cz-conventional-changelog --save-dev --save-exact
See the .github/workflows/release.yml file for a github action that uses standard-version to bump the version, create a release and release notes