Collection of useful TextKit 2 helpers.
Collection of TextKit 2 helpers used to build STTextView.
NSRange(_ textRange: NSTextRange, in textContentManager: NSTextContentManager)
NSRange(_ textLocation: NSTextLocation, in textContentManager: NSTextContentManager)
NSTextRange(_ nsRange: NSRange, in textContentManager: NSTextContentManager)
func length(in textContentManager: NSTextContentManager) -> Int
func clamped(to textRange: NSTextRange) -> NSTextRange?
func location(at offset: Int) -> NSTextLocation?
func location(line lineIdx: Int, character characterIdx: Int? = 0) -> NSTextLocation?
func position(_ location: NSTextLocation) -> (row: Int, column: Int)?
func attributedString(in range: NSTextRange?) -> NSAttributedString?
func textLineFragment(at location: NSTextLocation) -> NSTextLineFragment?
func textLineFragment(at point: CGPoint) -> NSTextLineFragment?
func extraLineTextLayoutFragment() -> NSTextLayoutFragment?
func extraLineTextLineFragment() -> NSTextLineFragment?
func location(interactingAt point: CGPoint, inContainerAt containerLocation: NSTextLocation) -> NSTextLocation?
func textSegmentFrame(at location: NSTextLocation, type: NSTextLayoutManager.SegmentType, options: SegmentOptions = [.upstreamAffinity]) -> CGRect?
func textSegmentFrame(in textRange: NSTextRange, type: NSTextLayoutManager.SegmentType, options: SegmentOptions = [.upstreamAffinity, .rangeNotRequired]) -> CGRect?
func typographicBounds(in textRange: NSTextRange) -> CGRect?
func enumerateTextLayoutFragments(in range: NSTextRange, options: NSTextLayoutFragment.EnumerationOptions = [], using block: (NSTextLayoutFragment) -> Bool) -> NSTextLocation?
var insertionPointLocations: [NSTextLocation]
var insertionPointSelections: [NSTextSelection]
var isExtraLineFragment: Bool
func textLineFragment(at location: NSTextLocation, in textContentManager: NSTextContentManager? = nil) -> NSTextLineFragment?
func textLineFragment(at location: CGPoint, in textContentManager: NSTextContentManager? = nil) -> NSTextLineFragment?
textRange(in textLayoutFragment: NSTextLayoutFragment) -> NSTextRange?
var isExtraLineFragment: Bool
static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
static func < (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
static func <= (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
static func > (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
static func >= (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
static func ~= (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
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