npm run build
dont forget typings install
npm install angular2-swing --save
import {Component, ViewChild, ViewChildren, QueryList} from '@angular/core';
import {
SwingCardComponent} from 'angular2-swing';
selector: 'app',
template: `
<div id="viewport">
<ul class="stack" swing-stack [stackConfig]="stackConfig" #myswing1 (throwout)="onThrowOut($event)">
<li swing-card #mycards1 [ngClass]="" *ngFor="let c of cards">{{ c.symbol }}</li>
<div id="source">
<p>Drag the playing cards out of the stack and let go. Dragging them
beyond the desk will throw them out of the stack. If you drag too
little and let go, the cards will spring back into place. You can
throw cards back into the stack after you have thrown them out.</p>
<p>Open the <a href="">
Console</a> to view the associated events.<p>
<p>Demonstration of <a href=""></a> implementation.</p>
export class AppComponent {
@ViewChild('myswing1') swingStack: SwingStackComponent;
@ViewChildren('mycards1') swingCards: QueryList<SwingCardComponent>;
cards: Array<any>;
stackConfig: StackConfig;
constructor() {
this.stackConfig = {
// Default setting only allows UP, LEFT and RIGHT so you can override this as below
allowedDirections: [Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN, Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT],
// Now need to send offsetX and offsetY with element instead of just offset
throwOutConfidence: (offsetX, offsetY, element) => {
return Math.min(Math.max(Math.abs(offsetX) / (element.offsetWidth / 1.7), Math.abs(offsetY) / (element.offsetHeight / 2)), 1);
throwOutDistance: (d) => {
return 800;
} = [
{ name: 'clubs', symbol: '♣' },
{ name: 'diamonds', symbol: '♦' },
{ name: 'spades', symbol: '♠' }
ngAfterViewInit() {
// ViewChild & ViewChildren are only available
// in this function
console.log(this.swingStack); // this is the stack
console.log(this.swingCards); // this is a list of cards
// we can get the underlying stack
// which has methods - createCard, destroyCard, getCard etc
// and the cards
// every card has methods - destroy, throwIn, throwOut etc
this.swingCards.forEach((c) => console.log(c.getCard()));
// this is how you can manually hook up to the
// events instead of providing the event method in the template
(event: ThrowEvent) => console.log('Manual hook: ', event));
this.swingStack.dragstart.subscribe((event: DragEvent) => console.log(event));
this.swingStack.dragmove.subscribe((event: DragEvent) => console.log(event));
// This method is called by hooking up the event
// on the HTML element - see the template above
onThrowOut(event: ThrowEvent) {
console.log('Hook from the template', event.throwDirection);
See angular2-swing-example repository for the full example